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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Newsletter 9- Thursday 23rd January

Important updates including a record number of Tudor applicants...

Newsletter 9

Thursday 23rd January 2025

Dear Parents/Carers of Tudor Primary School,

As the half-way point of the school year (rapidly!) approaches it is a good time to evaluate how well our school is working. As the pupil-voice feedback last newsletter highlighted, the children feel very positive about their school and we look forward to sharing key academic progress with you all in our consultation evenings in February. We have had assessment week in school this week and Tudor Primary continues to use the outcomes to seek those areas we need to focus on in the future. The new themes are inspiring the children and the photos of proud children on this page highlight the success they are having.


We continue to be thrilled with the writing in early years and I have lost count of how many special golden headteacher stickers have been given out to reward those efforts of the children. Don’t forget to keep checking out the class blogs on the school website for more information on what your children are doing in class.

RECORD NUMBERS! We have now been informed in the level of interest at Tudor Primary for next year’s reception class and we are THRILLED to share that we have received the most applications ever. 185 children have applied for one of the 60 places and 80 of those applications selected Tudor as FIRST CHOICE. We even had a further 48 at second choice! These numbers are fantastic and they evidence the strong reputation that our school has in Hemel Hempstead (and further afield). The staff team truly work hard to make each day special and it is the atmosphere of enjoyment and fun that is in the classrooms that continues to be our biggest selling point when parents visit us.

Once #TeamTudor, ALWAYS #TeamTudor

As shared in previous newsletters, I am the lead headteacher in an important project for supporting children and families through the process of transition to secondary school. My planned approach has now become expected practice for ALL schools in Dacorum. Central to the project, is ensuring strong partnership with families and schools during what can be a highly challenging time. As part of this work, Tudor is committed to maintain a connection with our ex-pupils and it is always rewarding to link with them again once they have settled in their new school. We have already spent time in Longdean School this year and, this week, Mr Crowder and I were able work alongside Hemel Hempstead School.

As we spent time with school leaders and watching lessons, we saw so many familiar faces. Without exception they were keen to stop and say hello as well as share how much they valued their primary years with us.  

Inclusion at Tudor Primary- a message from Miss Reading- our Leader for Inclusion:

The latest Delivering Special Provision Locally Newsletter is now available. Here you will find information about a range of courses and workshops, for parents/carers, provided by a number of different organisations. Courses include Handling anger, Understanding ADHD and Autism, Understanding Behaviour, Sleep, Anxiety and SEND and many more! Please use the following link to download the spring newsletter: Children's Mental Health Week (CMHW) takes place from the 3rd-9th February and the theme this year is 'Know Yourself, Grow Yourself'. The aim is to equip and empower children to embrace self-awareness and explore what it means to them, helping them build resilience, grow and develop. Children at Tudor will celebrate CMHW through an assembly and activities in class. If you would like to find out more about CMHW and/or download resources and activities to help your family take part in the week please use the following link:

FOT- Save the date- the circus is coming to Tudor!

More information will be coming your way but the Friends of Tudor have managed to source the country’s leading school circus experience for the weekend of May 31st/ June 1st. This is the second weekend of the summer half term break and it is sure to be a truly unforgettable occasion for the school community. There will also be some extra special surprises during the weekend. DO NOT MISS OUT.

Making a DIFFERENCE! Whilst it is exciting to share news of amazing experiences for the community to enjoy, the work of the Friends of Tudor makes SUCH an IMPACT to the lives of every child at Tudor. This includes funding a huge upgrade to the iPad technology that we have in place. The teaching team facilitate creative and inspiring ways to enhance the children’s learning using such technology and the FOT VOLUNTEERS are key to making this happen!

Mid-year parent meetings are not far off!

The sharing with parents of mid-year reports is on Monday 10th February and Thursday 13th February. 75% of parents have already booked on. We believe that EVERY child deserves to be represented by their family so make sure you reserve your slot. There have been some issues with booking on the app. Arbor are looking into this glitch in but, in the meantime, you can use the desktop version or contact the office so we can to assist you. Let’s work TOGETHER!

Important Dates:

Class Assemblies- 2Q on Thurs 6th Feb, 2R on Thurs 13th Feb.

Parent Consultations- Monday 10th and Thursday 13th February

The Tudor Circus Weekender!- Saturday 31st May and Sunday 1st June

Nursery Applications for 2025-2026- our youngest Tudorites

As mentioned earlier, there continues to be huge interest in places at Tudor Primary and it is clear that new families have to live very close to the school to be allocated a place. The closing date for nursery applications is Friday 21st March. Tours are also available if you would like to come and visit.

For more information, follow:

Let’s maintain AND MODEL those Tudor values- There continues to be a great deal of positivity around school at the moment and this is evidenced in the relationships that the children have with the staff team as well as each other. As the pupil voice questionnaire showed, there is a LOT that they are super proud of.

All at Tudor request that we all try to maintain this partnership when outside the school boundary. It does worry our school community (especially the children!) when they see and hear those occasional disagreements, arguments (and more!) at drop off and/or collection. Expecting to find a parking space directly outside school will always cause frustration and honking horns will never be a solution when you’re waiting for congestion to ease. Kindness, respect and responsibility are our three core principles. Please do model these and set the right example- the children are watching…and learning…

Mr Weightman
