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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School


Following our assembly on Monday, you are able to purchase a yo-yo from the school office using the form that was sent out last week (there is also a copy below).  If you need this printed out, please send a note into your child's class teacher, and they will print this for you.  Further tricks and tips can also been found in NED's leaflet attached at the bottom of this page.

Tudor school is hosting an assembly by the ‘NED’ team which encourages children to ‘Never give up, Encourage others, Do your best’. The 45-minute production focuses on the importance of persistence, having a growth mind-set, kindness, diligence, and excellence – all qualities that we strive for our children to have.ntroduction for your news story here.

When delivering this programme, humour, audience participation, active learning, storytelling and amazing yo-yo tricks all combine to make it a truly inspiring experience.  As yo-yos are used as part of the inspiration to ‘Never give up’, the company who are delivering this are also selling yo-yos as part of their funding programme which enables them to deliver the assembly free of charge to schools.  An order form has been sent home but there is absolutely no obligation to buy.  If you would like to purchase one, then please send an envelope to the office with your child’s name, class and total purchase amount.