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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Welcome to the new academic year. Stay INFORMED from the START!

Newsletter  1

Thursday 7th September 2023

Dear Parents/ Carers,

YOUR school is ready to welcome you again

A big welcome to you all for what should be an(other) rewarding year for the community of Tudor Primary. Whilst this feels a little different to previous ‘Septembers’ (because we are no longer awaiting school inspection!), we remain as determined as ever to give the children a super experience of school. We must give an extra special welcome to all those new children (and families) who are now #TeamTudor for the first time. As well as our new reception classes, we have some new faces in other year groups too. Speaking of our youngest learners, it is always fantastic to see how quickly they settle in class and I believe our success here is enabled by the hard work and preparation that has gone in as part of their transition into their new school.

As always, the teachers have been busily organising imaginative and inspiring learning for the children within our ‘Tudor Thematic Curriculum’. We pledge to make each day memorable and we know the children do appreciate how the teaching team present the lessons in the way they do. We are delighted to see how children are EXCITED to be back in their school.  

After all, we want the children to make lots of progress academically, but school MUST also be about fun and enjoyment! It’s great how the teaching team transform their classrooms too- they are always so welcoming! Our current themes are:

EYFS- New Beginnings

Year 1 and Year 2- Homes Under the Hammer

Year 3 and Year 4- Buried Treasure

Year 5 and Year 6- Raiders and Traders

Please look at our website- it shares how we CONTINUE to grow and IMPROVE

Speaking of our curriculum and how we present the learning at Tudor, do ensure our school website is a key resource that you use. It gets amazing feedback and it is often used as an exemplar for other schools. A great deal of effort goes into making it a vital information portal for you all so please take time to engage with it regularly. You will notice that the year groups have updated their sections with specific key information about what is in store for your children. The ‘MEET THE TEACHER’ presentations are already available to you and these will support a smooth start to the year. The website also contains guidance on everything that you need to know- from class assembly dates/ times and key policies to evidencing the impact that we have with your children- it’s all on there.

A message from Ms Smith (Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Tudor Primary is very proud of the work it continues to do to make sure that children can remain safe. As the most recent Ofsted stated:  'Pupils say, without hesitation, that they feel safe at school because the adults are there to look after them,' (Dec 2022)

Keeping our children and ourselves safe is something that should always be at the forefront of our minds and takes many forms.  Do take time to look at the safeguarding section of our website which is dedicated to supporting your children with their worries and you as their parents/carers regarding any safeguarding concerns.

Inclusion at Tudor Primary- a message from Miss Reading- our Leader for Inclusion:

If you would like to find out more information on how Tudor supports children with special educational needs, please take a look at the SEND/Family Support Links section of the website: .

Here you will find a wealth of information, including a link to 'Tudor School's Information Report' which answers many common questions, you will also find details about courses and support meetings for parents, carers and siblings of children with additional needs. If you cannot find what you are looking for or have any questions or concerns about your child's education or wellbeing, please do not hesitate to contact me via email at:, call the school office and ask to make an appointment with me or find me on the playground every day during school drop off and pick-up. I will be hosting our first 'Tudor Coffee Morning' of this academic year, on Friday 29th September at 9am. 'Tudor Coffee Mornings' provide parents and carers with an opportunity to ask questions or discuss any concerns you may have about your child's education and/or wellbeing. Alternatively, you may want to come along simply to meet some other parents from school, have a hot drink and a biscuit, I hope to see you there! 

An important announcement for school lunches- especially for families in year 3!

Universal free school meals remains in place for all children in reception, year 1 and year 2. Therefore, those families who are eligible for benefit related free school meals in year 3 (or above) need to register via the website. If you are unsure regarding eligibility, please come and see the office team. Even if you think you may not be eligible, DO apply because you (and the school) may be missing out on funding. Year 3 parents who are not eligible will obviously need to pay for school meals in advance and via the Arbor app.

After School Clubs- please make sure you respond to the forms!

Children will receive a letter for our new after school clubs. DO NOT send any money in with the forms- we will request payment once a space has been allocated. We hope as many children as possible can benefit from extra-curricular activity and all clubs will start on the week beginning 18th September. Don’t worry reception- your opportunities start in January!

The Tudor Governing Board- A message from our Chair- Mrs Arje

Do you want to be part of our team and help shape the future of Tudor Primary School? If so, we are excited to announce that there is a vacancy for a parent governor on the Tudor Primary board. Being a governor is a rewarding role in which you can help support the lives of young people in YOUR community. Take a look at this video to see what being a governor is all about:                 

Keep an eye on your emails for full details and the nomination form!

Reminder for the start of year- Jewellery- Jewellery should not be worn in school – it is too precious and contravenes the ‘Health and Safety’ guidelines which all schools must abide by. If your child has pierced ears we would prefer it if they did not wear earrings to school, but if they must, then they may only wear one small stud earring in each ear. If they are not yet able to remove their own earrings, then they may need to cover them with surgical tape for physical activities. Thank you!


As previous communication has also shared, Tudor Primary is excited to be supporting other schools in Hertfordshire. We remain proud of the impact we are having and we are determined for our school to be recognised for the high standards that we have. Commitment from families is a vital component in our partnership and the start of the year is an appropriate time to remind you all about the importance of attending school EVERY day and arriving on time.

Learning takes place FROM 8.45am and we look forward to every child being able to benefit from a FULL experience of school. We look forward to your support in this.

See you on the playground!                        

Mr Weightman
