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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

We are speeding into September! Stay informed about all things #TeamTudor

Newsletter 2

Thursday 21st September 2023

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Speeding into September! The children are well on their way…

It has certainly been an eventful start to the new academic year. The team at Tudor are determined for EVERY year at Tudor to be special and we pledge that this one will be no different- the children have certainly started back so well after the summer break. We would like to make a special mention for our new reception cohort- they have taken to life in their new school superbly. We believe that that the extra transition work that Tudor offered in the summer term has really made a positive difference. This involved increased information sharing on the importance of making a FULL commitment to what is one of the most important years that the children will experience. The reception families have certainly responded! The high level of attendance reflects this and nearly every child is in school and settled just after 8.45am EVERY day.

The number of parents that attended our evening phonics session was also tremendous- there will now be further phonics training to parents to help increase the support of early reading at home. This is yet another example of how partnership with parents is our biggest resource.

As shared in the last newsletter, our highly regarded Tudor thematic curriculum is a real strength of our school. I spent some time in year 1 this week and their ability to talk about maths in a range of ways was wonderful to hear. A huge thank you to the teaching team- they are the ones who help make this magic happen. Our themes for the term are:

EYFS- New Beginnings

Year 1/ Year 2- Homes Under the Hammer

Year 3/ Year 4- Buried Treasure

Year 5/ Year 6- Raiders and Traders

Maintaining effective lines of communication. (Also- be aware of misinformation!)

I mentioned the importance of the school website in the last newsletter and I do hope that you continue to use it as your first ‘port of call’ when seeking information about your school. DO PLEASE CHECK YOUR EMAILS TOO. It is fair to say that many of the enquiries that the school office receives relate to information that has already been shared. If you’re ever worried about anything, do tell us- we’re here to help. Whether it’s a quick chat on the gate or you would like to have a more detailed conversation, we want you to feel comfortable to engage with us! As a parent myself, I am aware of how groups use whatsapp when sharing school information within the community but such ‘unofficial’ methods can also a source of misinformation. The following is an example…

Secondary school transfer- having the right information- It has been noticeable how the number of ‘myths’ regarding secondary transfer have risen in the last few years. We have also seen how some families have experienced some difficulty regarding allocations following their ‘choices’. Whilst schools are not able to influence/ encourage decisions, we can provide opportunities for additional discussion if parents require it. This may be to hear concerns and/ or to signpost parents to information about ‘next steps’. We can also ‘challenge’ theories that have manifested online or in the wider community. Dacorum Family Services are also offering extra support this year. Year 6 parents have been sent a flyer- this is also on our website (see below).

Inclusion at Tudor Primary- a message from Miss Reading- our Leader for Inclusion:

The latest ‘DSPL8 Parent/Carer Newsletter: Autumn Term’ & ‘Dacorum Parent/Carers courses and support' newsletters are available to download from the DPL8 website via the following link: They can also be found in the SEND section of the school website. They provide information about the Dacorum Families SEND Information Fayre, ADD-vance Mini consultations, Parent support groups, courses and workshops and SEND Drop-in sessions. Please remember the first 'Tudor Coffee Morning' of this academic year is taking place on Friday 29th September at 9am, this is an opportunity to ask questions or discuss any concerns you may have about your child's education and/or wellbeing in an informal and friendly setting - I hope to see you there.

Are you eligible for extra funding? It can be used in lots of ways!

A number of families in schools miss out on additional funding. This is often because parents do not feel they have to register for the relevant funding because ALL children get universal free school meals when they start school. Even if you are unsure, DO apply because you (and the school) may be missing out on funding. If you want help with this, please come and see the office team

After School Clubs- please make sure you respond to the forms!

Our clubs for the term are now underway. Parents have been informed and it has been great to see lots of children take advantage of the additional opportunities on offer at Tudor. Some parents still need to pay for the sessions that they have been allocated. These payments must be received by September 25th or your child’s allocated place will be at risk. Tudor CONTINUES to subsidise additional school activities and opportunities and we should not be put in a situation where we are chasing payments. Thanks in advance!

The Tudor Governing Board- do consider the opportunity to join up!

The governing board was pleased with the level of interest in the parent governor position. Please make sure you vote- you will have received an email with what to do. Being a governor is a rewarding role in which you can help support the lives of young people in YOUR community. Take a look at this video to see what being a governor is all about:

If you know of people in the wider community who want to become part of the governing board at Tudor, we would like to hear from them.


Earlier in the newsletter I mentioned the importance of effective information sharing. As headteacher, a key pledge that I have is that EVERY child sees me EVERY day- I do hope I am successful with that. (Your children will know the answer!) We remain delighted that many parents tell us that they enjoy how accessible and responsive the members of the teaching team are as well the school office team. We hope that a friendly face is easy to find and this is why we continue to invest in high levels of capacity around school. EVERY class has AT LEAST one full time teaching assistant and we have further increased the number of learning support assistants who support individuals or groups. We also continue to commit to high levels of capacity at break and at lunch.

Being able to deliver such capacity in the future will be a challenge, especially when considering the worrying levels of funding that schools receive. A huge advantage for us is the level of interest in school spaces and Tudor is now home to more pupils than at any time in the past- let’s all work together to ensure Tudor remains the place to be for the most amazing children around!

The pace of learning and progress in the primary years always astounds us. These two young (and happy) artists are starting their Tudor journey in the right way…the future is BRIGHT…     

Mr Weightman    
