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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Please stay informed with all things #TeamTudor

Newsletter 4

Friday 3rd November 2023

Dear Parents/ Carers,

What with the half term break, it has been some time since our last school newsletter. The pace of learning (and progress!) has not slowed and school continues to be a happy, vibrant environment for the children and teaching team. The school has also just received important data information from the Department for Education and we are (once again) delighted with what we have achieved. This comparative data includes all other schools nationally and it evidences just how well Tudor Primary continues to do. The numbers of children that reach the ‘highest’ levels of achievement highlight our aspirational approach- well done EVERYONE!

You will be aware that writing has been a focus and it is clear that our school approaches are working well. We invest a lot in the teaching capacity and we want children to benefit from modelled writing support because this is what the children tell us they appreciate the most! The outcomes that now place our progress in the highest brackets should fill us all with confidence that we are doing the right things… and in the right way! Ayda’s PGL riddle (above) is an example of the standards in school! Do use our website and Twitter/X page to see how we aim to inspire the children each day. Did you see how the EYFS prepared their learning environment at the start of the half term? Have a look-

The Year 6 PGL Adventurers have returned! Year 5 children get READY!

What a superb week the children had in Devon for their year 6 residential experience. The feedback from all has been amazing and the children have been busy sharing how much fun they had. The staff at PGL have also shared how impressed they were with the Tudorites. Such memories will last a lifetime and we should all congratulate them on how they responded to the challenges that they faced.

A big THANK YOU to the staff team that accompanied the children to Torquay- such trips would not be possible without such commitment. We are currently finalising the details for next year’s residential and we are determined for as many children as possible to attend- such trips for Tudor children are significantly below what most other schools charge. As well as subsiding the trip, we do work hard to ensure the cost trip is affordable and quality remains high!

Inclusion at Tudor Primary- a message from Miss Reading- our Leader for Inclusion:

The next Dacorum Families SEND Information Fayre will be taking place at 10am-12pm on Thursday 7th December at Bennetts End Community Centre. The Information Fayre will include a range of local provider information stands and refreshments. To book a space please follow this link: 

If you would like to learn about what special educational needs and disabilities services are available in Hertfordshire (and who can access them) do take a look at Hertfordshire's Local Offer: If you cannot find what you are looking for, or wish to discuss any concerns you may have about your child's wellbeing and/or education please do come and speak to me in school at drop off/ collection or via the school office.

Are YOU meeting expectations on punctuality- please support the school!

At the start of last academic year, our school times changed a little so that the OFFICIAL start to the school day is 8.45am. Simply put, if your child is entering class after 8.45am they are LATE for school. Registers close at 8.55am.

Learning activities are on offer FROM 8.45am and it is evident that a number of families continue to arrive at school after this time. Even a few minutes a day soon add up! Also, if families arrive promptly and punctually at 8.45am it really helps them settle for the rest of the day. It also sets the right standard and expectation for the future. This issues that some families are experiencing may be due to the fact that they have not adjusted their approaches from previous years- the current reception playground is virtually empty by 8.46am because they are all in class and engaged with what the teachers have prepared. Please do leave your houses earlier if you are not meeting the expectation of your child being IN class for 8.45am.

Late Collection Concern-

Please make sure that your child is also collected on time at the end of the school day. If a child is not collected, they will be taken to the hall where our school ‘Hangout’ provision is delivered. Costs for this extra-care provision may be incurred. The current cost for the Hangout is £12 per session. Whilst we understand that there may be the odd occasion when a family has been held up, we do expect parents to ensure that their children are collected on time. Thanks in advance!

Is it too early to mention Christmas?

The dates for our festive feast of events(!) is already on our website. There will be assemblies and performances for children in EYFS and KS1. We will also be having a Christmas Craft Fayre where there will be lots of festive fun for all children (and parents!) on Tuesday 19th December. In the past we have tried to offer additional events on the playground but we have come to the realisation that we cannot always rely on the winter weather! Whilst we have lots still to happen this term, be assured that Tudor will enjoy those ‘traditional December delights’ in the right way. Key dates are:

EYFS Christmas Performance- Wednesday 13th December- 9.30am

KS1 Christmas Performance- Tuesday 12th and Thursday 14th December- 9.30am

Christmas Lunch- Wednesday 13th December

School Christmas Craft Fayre- Tuesday 19th December- 3pm

Break time snacks- Fruit or vegetable only please!

Children are able to enjoy a mid-morning snack at breaktime. Whilst this is provided free of charge in key stage 1, KS2 can bring in items from home butchildren have started to ‘push the guidance. Apples/ carrots/ bananas/ raisins are all acceptable. We do not encourage fruit/snack ‘bars’ at breaktime.

More sporting silverware at Tudor Primary!

We remain proud of sporting achievement at Tudor Primary and Mr Higgins has enabled even more success in the last few weeks.

As well as achieving ‘runners up’ for the year 6 basketball team, the year 5 children went a step further and were crowned ‘Slam Jam Champions’! Huge congratulations for all that took part.

Poppies are currently available from the school office. The ‘suggested donation’ is from £1 and we thank all those who are able to support the British Legion appeal.

We will also be having a non-uniform day on Fri 17th Nov in support of Children in Need (£1 donation).

To help raise awareness for anti-bullying week, odd socks can be worn on Mon 13th Nov (no donation needed).

See you at the fireworks- gates open at 5.30pm and the main show starts at 7pm!                                 

Mr Weightman 
