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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

From county inspections to the many activities on offer for your children- stay INFORMED!

Newsletter 5

Thursday 16th November 2023

Dear Parents/ Carers,

There is so much to share with you in this newsletter and I would like to start with recent feedback from our school effectiveness advisor. There was a focus on maths with a number of evaluation activities taking place including: lesson observations, dialogue with pupils and monitoring of our key policies and approaches. Whilst a special mention must go to Mr Crowder (who is our maths subject leader), I am delighted how all members of the teaching team responded. The evidence continues to highlight just how well the team are performing in the classroom and supporting the learners- of all ages. The report really makes super reading as highlighted by the following quotes:

‘assessment for learning is strong’

‘leaders know the school well’

‘strong sense of consistent systems and aligned approaches’

‘consistent language and approaches to help the children’

‘in reception, the maths mastery session observed was exemplary’

‘best practice’

‘children were confident and engaged throughout’

‘teachers make it enjoyable’

‘significant evidence of both challenge and progress’

Also, check out the overall assessment statement:

In addition to the visit from county advisors, we have also been completing our own monitoring of standards. The approaches to this have certainly changed over the years- whereas we once had a pure focus on ensuring the overall quality of teaching and learning was appropriate we are now able to refine and enhance the way specific aspects of our provision are delivered.

Foci includes how we support our most vulnerable learners as well as how we involve children in the feedback and/ or assessment of their work. As I have said before, the more we involve children in the evaluation of our school the better- they certainly are able to tell us how they feel about THEIR school! My favourite part of being headteacher is having visits from the children when they want to share what they have been doing in class. Do keep an eye on our twitter/X page (as well as the website!) to find out how much fun the children are having!

Maintaining (and enhancing!) those wider standards too…

An area that headteachers also need to keep a (very!) close eye on is how the site is managed. Mr Denny is an exceptional site manager and he has improved this area of the school’s performance in so many ways. From making sure the school is safe and secure to ensuring that all health and safety requirements are completed, he is a very busy person indeed. On Tuesday this week, the school had a county health and safety audit and Tudor received a tremendous report and the school is in ‘Excellent Shape!’ It was recognised that the highest standards are delivered and the full school community can benefit from a school that is truly fit for purpose. Well done Mr Denny… and thank you!

Inclusion at Tudor Primary- a message from Miss Reading- our Leader for Inclusion:

Ofsted have recently published the final SEND inspection report of the Hertfordshire Local Area Partnership. You can read the full report, the local authority's response and details about what happens next by following this link: It is pleasing to read that strong improvement plans have already been put in place and that an action plan is being developed to improve the experience and outcomes for children with SEND and their families, living in Hertfordshire. It was wonderful to welcome many new faces to our first 'Tudor Coffee Morning' of this academic year, last month. Our next coffee morning will be taking place at 9am on Friday 1st December, it would be great if you could join us, (mince pies as well as tea and coffee will be provided).

We are excited to host the Scholastic Book Fair in the hall Tuesday 21st November to Friday 24th November. During the school day on Tuesday 21st, all children will have the chance to look around the Book Fair with their class. Children will not be allowed to make purchases at this time. Families are invited to explore and purchase books at the following times after school next week:

EYFS and KS1 - Tuesday and Thursday 3:15-4:15 in the school hall

KS2 - Wednesday and Friday 3:15 - 4:15 in the school hall

Being ON TIME at drop off and collection

As well as making sure your child is IN SCHOOL by 8.45am (and not late after this!) please make sure that your child is also collected on time at the end of the school day. If a child is not collected, they will be taken to the hall where our school ‘Hangout’ provision is delivered. Costs for this extra-care provision may be incurred. The current cost for the Hangout is £12 per session. Whilst we understand that there may be the odd occasion when a family has been held up, we expect parents to ensure that their children are collected on time. Thanks in advance!

PARKING- You may have noticed that parking enforcement officers have been outside the school a number of times recently. Please ensure that you are supporting our local community by parking legally and safely. Please ensure that you do not block driveways.

Christmas is getting (a little!) closer…

As highlighted in our last newsletter, key dates for your diaries are:

EYFS Christmas Performance- Wed 13th December- 9.30am

KS1 Christmas Performance- Tues 12th and Thurs 14th December- 9.30am

Christmas Lunch- Wed 13th December

School Christmas Craft Fayre- Tues 19th December- 3pm

FOT- Fabulous Fireworks and soon there will be letters from Santa! – We hope that you all enjoyed the fireworks spectacular that took place recently. It is really great to see that our school (and wider) community enjoy such events and the number of people that attended was nearly as impressive as the display itself. Christmas Card orders to be made by 21st November ONLINE at

Santa letters are also out today. To take part, fill in the form and send back with a cash payment using the Santa postbox in the office.

As this newsletter shares, there is SO MUCH going on at Tudor. We will also be having a non-uniform day tomorrow in support of Children in Need (£1 donation). For further information on this, use:

Thanks for your continued support. From county inspections and audits, to feedback from children themselves, there is a WEALTH of evidence that EVERY DAY at Tudor is TRULY SPECIAL!                 

Mr Weightman 
