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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Amazing academic performance and SO MUCH FUN to be had...

Newsletter 6

Thursday 30th November 2023

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Another set of awesome academic outcomes!

Our absolute core priority (and duty) at Tudor is to ensure that your children are safe, well cared for and able to enjoy each and every day at school. Overwhelming evidence from monitoring, parent feedback and pupil voice informs us that children adore being part of their school and they thrive due to the relationships that they experience with peers and adults alike. As teachers though, we must ensure that they are learning and progressing within a rich and vibrant curriculum- and all at Tudor were delighted with the recently released assessment results and data regarding the progress and attainment of our children. It is a statistical fact that (for our current assessment profile) in every core area, Tudor children have made accelerated progress in EVERY single year. When comparing our performance with other schools, we are unable to find such consistent performance elsewhere- whether at Dacorum, county or national level- or even individual schools. Well done everyone!

Such performance is the result of real partnership between the teaching team and the school community- we continue to offer significant investment with learning interventions and these are clearly having the impact we want. What is equally pleasing is that this enables our children to enjoy our broad and balanced thematic curriculum without the need for booster sessions in school which narrow the children’s experience of school to the core subjects.

Notable areas of success include the progress in children’s writing which puts our performance in the top 20% of all schools nationally. This was certainly an area I was determined to improve when I became headteacher and we should celebrate how the full teaching team have succeeded.

As well as our SEND children being effectively supported, the level of progress for the more able children (of which there are many!) is tremendous- they really do hit the highest heights by year 6!

As this newsletter will go on to highlight, we still have areas to refine and improve and we will remain a school where EVERYONE is learning- including the adults! Even though the weather is colder and the days are shorter, we should all feel a warm, comfortable feeling abut how successful the children of Tudor are! We are ALL #TeamTudor!

Attendance update! Getting the BASICS right…

Firstly, a huge WELL DONE (and a massive THANK YOU from your child) if you are fulfilling your duty in enabling your child to attend school fully and being ON TIME each day. As mentioned above, academic outcomes have significantly improved at Tudor over the last few years and it is clear that improved attendance of children has been a significant factor here. Worryingly, a number of parents still fail to recognise that a consistent experience of school is vital for their child’s wellbeing and development.

Please do check your Arbor app to view your child’s attendance and compare it to the chart. If your child is below 90% they are a persistent absentee. We must all aim for attendance in the high 90s! If your child is late, your absence will be coded as unauthorised which could contribute towards any potential fines from Hertfordshire County Council.  Regarding poor attendance and time keeping- please DO NOT blame your child for them being late- it’s the duty of the parent to ensure they arrive on time.

Inclusion at Tudor Primary- a message from Miss Reading- our Leader for Inclusion:

The latest ‘Delivering Special Provision Locally 8 (DSPL8) Parent/Carer Newsletter: Autumn Term’ & ‘Dacorum Parent/Carers courses and support' newsletters are available to download from the DSPL website via the following link:  You can also find these newsletters in the SEND/Family Links Section of the school website. The newsletters include information about a range of courses and support available to parents and carers of children with additional needs. Please remember we have our 'Tudor Coffee Morning' on Friday this week at 9am - it would be great to see you (coffee, tea and mince pies included).

Flu Vaccinations- The flu vaccination nurses will be back in on Friday 8th December to vaccinate the children that missed out the first-time round.  If you have previously signed your child up for a vaccination you do not need to sign up again, your child’s name will still be on the list.  If you did not sign up but now wish to you can do so here: Vaccination UK East Anglia Immunisation (

Tudor Christmas and festive FUN!  Please ensure that you are fully up to date with important school events at this time of year. Newsletters and our website will keep you informed!

To confirm: there will performances in the hall for EYFS and KS1 (Y1 + 2).

Nursery and reception parents are invited to watch the EYFS children in the hall on Wednesday 13th December at 9.30am.

There are two repeated presentations of ‘Christmas Around the World’ for Key Stage 1. Parents of children in year 1 or year 2 can join us either on Tuesday 12th December OR Thursday 14th December.

For any performance, tickets can be found via your Arbor app – via School Shop Products at the bottom of your Arbor home screen. You will need to book to get in!

The WHOLE SCHOOL Christmas Craft Fayre is at 3pm on Tuesday 19th December.

Christmas lunch in on Wednesday 13th December.

In true Tudor- style, there will be a number of other festive surprises too to help the children enjoy this special time of the year in school…  

PARKING- Please ensure that you are supporting our local community by parking legally and safely. Please ensure that you do not block driveways or the school gates.

Comfy Cushions Allowed on Friday! To help raise money for Great Ormond Street Hospital, the Tudor Owls have decided to hold a comfy cushion day THIS Friday- 1st December. For a £1 donation, the children can have an extra comfy (if that’s possible!) experience at Tudor. What fun!

Let’s ALL keep learning- As well as a large number of people requesting tours of the school for school selection purposes, we remain thrilled that so many other schools and/ or education professionals are wanting to find out more about life at Tudor. Working alongside others is a great way to keep improving and refining our own provision. As a member of the Dacorum behaviour/ wellbeing board as well as a governor at DESC I have taken on a new project about supporting the transition of pupils when they leave Tudor and move onto secondary schools. My aim is to create (and share) support materials that share best practice of how children and families are supported when they move on. This project will require the input of teachers, school leaders, parents, families and children. I hope that you will be able to help. After all, Tudor is just one part of their life journey...

Mr Weightman  #TeamTudor