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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Tudor comes together for some extra enjoyment at the end of term! 

Everyone in our Tudor community can look forward to a wonderful holiday at the end of what has been an(other) awesome term.

It has been a term where we have received some amazing feedback- not only about what goes on at Tudor each and every day, but also our impact in how we are supporting other schools.

These last few weeks have seen a number of extra special events, and we know that the children have enjoyed taking part. We have had theatre visits, school productions, Santa experiences, family craft fayres and more- it really has been a rewarding experience for all.

The number of school tours this termhas also been incredible and Tudor is now home to more pupils than it has ever had in its history. Waiting lists are rather lengthy in all year groups and this further evidences the positive feeling we should all have about our school. Tudor is TRULY the place to be!

Do take a look at the new additions to the role of honour for the Tudor Headteacher Awards. During our end of term assembly, we were able to to recognise just how amazing our Tudorites can be! The number of 100% attendance certificates was impressive- such awards do truly show just how committed our school community can be.

Well done everyone and enjoy the holidays.

Let's look forward to 2024- I think we can expect MORE success for this super school of OURS! 
