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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

WEB UPDATE- Ensuring high standards- including behaviour!

Important developments as we approach half way through the school year...

The Spring term is always a very busy time of the year. It is a little shorter than the other two terms but it is a period where the school really pushes forward. The children are producing work of high quality and the progress is really starting to 'shine'. It's always exciting to hear a knock at the door to see a child sharing fantastic work in their books to show how much they have developed from the start of the year. Keep an eye on this website (and twitter) for more examples!

Our new 'Behaviour for Learning' policy:

In respect of continuing to evolve, we are now able to share with you our new school 'Behaviour for Learning' policy (available in full on this website very soon- follow link to school and governor policies). When I first visited Tudor I was already impressed at the culture of positive behaviour around the school- whereas I have been tasked with improving the standards of behaviour in some of the schools I have helped lead previously, I certainly did not have to be so 'transformational' at Tudor. If anything I was determined to ensure the postive atmosphere and culture of respect between everyone at Tudor remained a strength. A number of systems and approaches have been refined and the creation of a transparent policy with clear expectations is an important (further) step forward. The school is already 20% larger (in pupil numbers) from when I started and we must remain on the 'front foot' in ensuring high standards of behaviour.

Central to our new behaviour policy is the use of 3 core principles. If everyone in the Tudor community recognises and responds to these 3 core principles, then we will be able to provide a safe, structured and supportive learning environment for all. Views of many different groups have been taken into account, including children, staff and governors and we firmly believe that, if we display these core principles, Tudor will be a school in which we will all be able to flourish.

Our 3 core principles are:

Be kind

Be respectful

Be responsible


We will use these 3 principles to help everyone at Tudor recognise their role in helping keeping the school community safe and we look forward to receiving the full support of parents in the day-to-day demonstration of them. We do not want a school full of rules and guidelines and lists of 'dos and don'ts' covering our walls- if everyone , from our youngest pupil to our most 'experienced' of family members display these core principles, I know that we will be doing the right thing... and doing it well!


Speaking of 'responsibilities', we look forward to all families being represented at our consultation evenings this week. The mid year reports will be shared and you willl be able to see how your child is responding in their learning. As well as the super work (which I mentioned earlier), the responses of children in our recent assessment week provided more evidence why Tudor is the school to be in...


We have some interviews for teachers later this week and I was extremely pleased about the standard of applicants. I recently informed you about the high numbers of 'new parents' that are placing Tudor at the top of their list - this 'choice of Tudor' also appears to be evident for the staff team too! Your children, after all, deserve the best and even the most robust behaviour policy will be useless if the staff team are not of the quality we want for our school.




Enjoy your week and I look forward to seeing you all at our mid year consultations...  


It's not long until the 'promise' of warm weather...


Mr Weightman/ Headteacher