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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Y6 Curriculum

The two Year 6 classes are currently taught by Mr Munro (6Y) and Mr Crowder (6Z) and they are supported by Mrs Parke, Mrs Durham and Mrs Wood. Additionally, Mrs Smith and Mr Higgins teach Year 6 on a Friday.

This section of the website will provide you with information about what is happening in Year Six. We will update the blog each week, sharing learning highlights and some key information and news.

Year 6 is a year filled with many excellent opportunities and experiences for the children, however it does come with some extra responsibilities. Our topics this year are ‘Raiders and Traders' (Autumn), ‘Extreme Environments’ (Spring) and ‘Step Back in Time’ (Summer).

Children will be set homework weekly. The homework in CGP books (reading, maths and grammar) will be set on a Friday due in the following Thursday. Spelling homework will be set each week (supported on Spelling Shed) and there will be a spelling test the following week. In addition, children are expected to read daily and have their reading records signed. These will be checked each morning and there will be rewards for consistent readers.

Both classes will enjoy two weekly sports sessions.  Please ensure pupils have the correct kit in school for these sessions. 6Y's are on Tuesday and Wednesday and 6Z's are on Wednesday and Friday.

Have a look at our current topic web to give you further details on the areas of study.  Please bear in mind that this is a working document and the plans will be adjusted to suit the children in the class and their interests.

If you have any questions or would like any more information, please use the red books to contact your class teacher.

Year 6 Thematic Learning – Summer 2024

Our topic this term is “Step Back in Time”. We will be learning all about how our lives have changed since the end of World War II and especially focusing on the local area of Hemel Hempstead. Additionally, we will be completing some work linked to the upcoming 50th Anniversary of Tudor School.

In English, we will start by writing a persuasive advert for a new school. We will also be writing a suspense narrative based on the Buncefield explosion and a newspaper report about the opening of a new school.

In Maths, we will be recapping on any areas that the children found tricky (such as pie charts and algebra) and making sure they are ready for the transition for Secondary.

Our Science focus this term will be focus on Electricity and light. We will be creating a range of circuits, carrying out investigations and focusing on evaluating our findings.

In History, we will be looking at the development of industry within Hemel Hempstead. We will talk about different aspects, such as the railway, canal and The Paper Mill. Whilst in Geography, it will focus on how the population has changed and how this has affected the facilities within the town as well having a closer look at our river system.

In D&T, we will be focusing on electricity and will be working in pairs to create a board game including a range of electrical components.

In Art, we will be developing our sowing skills. This will take focus on the use of variety of stiches to work towards a finished piece of art.

In Computing we will completing a variety of Computing days including producing our own advert, a text adventure game and publishing a completed task. Whilst in music we will be exploring modern British pop artists.

In PSHE, we will be looking at how to manage and improve our mental wellbeing, assessing risk and discussing how our bodies change during puberty. We will also be doing lots of work to help our transition to secondary school.

See the parent summary below for more details and check our blog regularly to find out about our latest learning adventures!