Have a look at what we got up to in January...
Welcome to our Reception Blog
A glance of September 2024
Want to know what the first two weeks of Reception looks like at Tudor? Have a look at what Red and Yellow class achieved at the start of their Tudor journey.
We start our phonics lessons and we learn the sounds s, a, t and p.
Each day we complete an activity sheet all on our own. On Fridays we get our very own reading books which we take home for the week.
But most importantly, we have so much fun exploring the areas in our classroom and, most importantly, making new friends!
Have a look at what we got up to in January...
Have a look at what we did in November...
Have a look at what we got up to in October
Snapshot of September
Meet our new pet!
In the Jungle...
Welcome to our Early Years Family 2022-2023! We can not wait to share the amazing learning journey that we will be heading on with you this year! We will share a weekly round up with you here including pictures from the week and telling you all about what we have been up to!
B R A Z I L ... oh Brazil!
G'day Reception friends! This week we landed in sunny Australia! We looked at the different cultures, animals, food, sights and much more!
Welcome back Reception Family!
This term our theme is 'We're leaving on a Jet Plane! We will be visiting a different country each week and taking a deep dive into the culture, food, place and history of each place. This week is all about how we will be getting away, learning about airplane safety, packing our back, collecting the right documents for our flight and getting ready for takeoff!