Welcome back to Summer Term!
We have kick-started our Minibeast theme with 'worm' week!
Superworm in SUPER long,
Superworm in SUPER strong!
Watch him wiggle, see him squirm...
HIP HIP HOORAY, for Superworm!
In Literacy have been reading Superworm by Julia Donaldson. We learnt lots of real life facts about worms, and wrote some of these facts down in our minibeast books. We have been really focusing on our independent writing and showing off our amazing learning to our teacher... who by the wy were super impressed!
We had a super fun minibeast afternoon to get us hooked into our new topic! There were so many activities for us to do; we made our own worm houses from junk modelling, sorted minibeasts into different groups, created some playdoh insects, made our own 'cheerio' Superworm and counted how long he was, dug up some worms in ou
r garden (only pretend ones!), took part in some observational drawing... and so much more!
We have really enjoyed our Worm week and we have SO many things that we wish to learn about different minibeasts this term too!