What a great week Year 3! Have a look at this week's Friday blog to see a selection of some of the incredible work that has been submitted to Seesaw. Special shout outs go to Tadhg, Andreas and Frankie in 3S and Cassia, Ollie and Jamie in 3T.
Well done everyone for another week of home learning. We're actually at the half way point of this half-term already! Miss Houston and Miss Sentance are really proud of lots of your dedication to your home learning and the quality of the work you are sending in. Keep it up! :)
This week, Miss Sentance has chosen three pieces of work. Cassia's research about the Goddess Diana, Jamie's super postcard for R.E. and Ollie's fantastic work with the Maths money word problems.
This week, Miss Houston has chosen Tadhg for his lovely postcard from the Golden Temple, Andreas for his super History work and Frankie for a detailed mind map about Venus.