The school year has officially started and what a wonderful first week both classes have had. Our topic 'Is it right to fight?' has got off to a great start and the children have learnt so much already about WWII.
The children are loving immersing themselves fully in the learning across the whole curriculum. This has included writing a setting description about London during The Blitz in English, creating a WWII timeline in History and reading some WWII information texts in Guided Reading.
Take a look at the wonderful setting description below written by Francesca in 3S.
We have also been reading a story in English called The Lion and the Unicorn. This is all about a boy called Lenny who gets evacuated from London during the war. In our lesson, we created a comic strip version of the story on an app called Book Creator. Scan the QR code below to see Joey's (3T) comic strip.