Year 4 Languages Day - Portuguese
Year 4 Languages Day - Portuguese
We have started off Year 4 in English by writing diary extracts from the point of view of Lenny, from the World War 2 inspired book: 'The Lion and the Unicorn'. We have looked at emotive language, using first person, past tense, time/order conjunctions and pronouns (amongst other features).
Enjoy this selection of extracts.
Do you think you could get the answers correct for a Science quiz?
Budding toy designers
Victorian punishments
Conductors & insulators
Spring term- portraits
A doughnut thief is on the run!
Over the last two weeks in science, we have been looking into the health of teeth. Not only are we now able to name the different teeth, but we could also talk about their functions and what they are used for.
Today, we explored being historians with our historical enquiry hat on.