Year 5 getting going on a polar adventure.
Over the past few weeks, our learning about extreme environments has been as chilly as the weather!
We have looked at the amazing events in the life of Ernest Shackleton, more specifically, his expedition to try and walk across Antarctica 🇦🇶.
If you don't know what happened *spoiler alert* his boat got stuck and sank! He and his crew, survived on the ice until they managed to go and get help. We used our map reading and time ordering skills to produce a route of his journey with the significant events marked on it.
But don't worry- we're not stuck looking in Antarctica...we have also thought about the Arctic...mainly, what mammals live there.
In science, we are looking at the life cycles of different animals and really enjoyed our learning finding out about the life cycle of polar bears.
We have also looked at different fish, reptiles and amphibians from slightly warmer biomes. (What's a biome? Ask one of us that too. We should be able to help you out!)