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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Find out about all the AMAZING learning going on in Year 1!

Page 1

  • Material Madness in 1P

    Published 08/09/20, by Admin

    This term in Science we are learning all about different materials and their properties.

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  • 1P end of week round up (23.05.20)

    Published 23/05/20, by Admin

    What have 1P been doing this week?

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  • 1O Week 4 Round Up!

    Published 17/05/20, by Shannon Foy

    Hello 1O - Firstly a big well done, we are nearly in our final week of Summer half term! 


    Secondly - I have had trouble uploading images this week, i will log back in and have a go once i work out the problem... if all else fails, please see a version of this post on Seesaw with pictures included! 

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  • 1P's End of week round up (16.05.20)

    Published 16/05/20, by Admin

    Another great week in 1P

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  • 1P midweek round up

    Published 13/05/20, by Admin

    Look what 1P have been up to...

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  • 1O Week 3 Round Up!

    Published 10/05/20, by Shannon Foy

    A Round up of Week 3!

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  • 1P end of week round up (09.05.20)

    Published 09/05/20, by Admin

    What other great work is going on in 1P this week?

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  • 1P's mid week round up (06.05.20)

    Published 05/05/20, by Admin

    Perfect puppets, Super Science, Marvellous Maths and more!


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  • 1P's End of the Week round up (01.05.20)

    Published 01/05/20, by Admin

    There's more great work coming out of 1P this week

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  • 1O Week 2 Round Up!

    Published 01/05/20, by Shannon Foy

    Hello 1O children and parent! Let's start with a big thank you because you are all so amazing! This week you guys have put such a big smile on my face and I feel so proud to be your teacher!

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  • 1P's mid week round up

    Published 29/04/20, by Admin

    What are 1P getting up to this week? 

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  • 1O Week 1 Round Up!

    Published 27/04/20, by Shannon Foy

    Let's see what you have all been getting up to during our first week back for Summer term 1!

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