What are 1P getting up to this week?
Here's the work that's really stood out this week as going above and beyond...
On Seesaw, this week we set the children the challenge of writing and performing a song for an advert encouraging people to come to their seaside town. We were expecting pans to be banged or body percussion...maybe some beat boxing? Instead we've been bowled over by your responses. What creative ideas! I also didn't realise how many of you owe ukuleles! The award for the best one so far has to go to Violet and her family because they went ALL OUT! Wow! Great scenery! I feel like I'm at the beach.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Then just when I thought I couldn't be any more impressed...Violet sent me a photograph of how she'd written down the lyrics too!
A special mention needs to go to Alyssa and her family for their clever music editing and alternative approach...
Check out Anthony too who used a ukulele with great skill...
Here are his lyrics...
In Science, we've been building on our knowledge of the animal groups by explaining how we know an animal belongs there...
George (above)
Alexis (above)
We've also been using a video of a fictional children's drama to get an idea of how Victorian seasides were different to the seasides we go to nowadays. The children recorded themselves (using video or audio) answering questions looking for the differences in sun protection, swimwear, general clothing and photography.
In Maths on Monday, we were learning about place value and Miss Foy attached some number family challenges if you wanted an extra challenge. We were bowled over again by how many children took on the extra challenge and many did Year 2 and 3 challenges! Wow! Your children could never of managed this without your support parents. Thank you!
On Tuesday, we learnt about odd and even numbers and how this relates to counting in twos. Some people wrote it out and some enjoyed cutting and sticking like George.
Well done Aarav who went above and beyond in the task..
In English, we've also been learning the features of a postcard and today we're writing one. Alyssa wrote one about our 'Seasides' topic.
Here are Violet and Luxmiha's great seaside postcards...
And Darcie wrote one about Disneyland...
And finally look at this cracking cake George helped make for his Dad's birthday. Happy Birthday George's Dad!