Hello 1O - Firstly a big well done, we are nearly in our final week of Summer half term!
Secondly - I have had trouble uploading images this week, i will log back in and have a go once i work out the problem... if all else fails, please see a version of this post on Seesaw with pictures included!
Let's start of with this weeks gold awards!
Drum Roll Please........
A big well done to: Nishka and Oliver! I have emailed over your awards to your adults :)
Nishka has consistently shown a positive attitude to home learning, putting in 100% effort with every single piece of work submitted!
Oliver really impressed us with his maths this week, he is proof that if you keep going at something that you initially find a challenge, it become second nature! We are so proud!
This week we took a blast from the past and had a little look at the history of Grace Darling. We received lots of interesting facts within your work... Did you know that Grace kept a locket with a lock of hair inside from a sailor?
We also received lots of amazing theatre creations, we where so impressed by the creativity going on at home! I think having a little more time and perhaps different recourses to use really does help the imagination... a big well done for producing such fantastic pieces of art!
Finally, everyone managed to have a go at multiplication and division this week - I am very pleased with the support from parents during an area of new learning. We've got this 1O!
Keep up the hard work 1O - let's seize the last week of Summer 1!
Miss Foy and Mrs B x