Monday 23.03.2020 - Home learning
Good Morning Year 1... welcome to your first day of home learning!
Both Miss Foy and Miss Adams have class email inboxes set up ready if you need help with any work, or just want to share some of your fantastic work. For those of you who where un able to come into school last week, your home learning pack is ready at the school office for someone to collect for you.
Today's learning activities:
English Pages 4 + 5
Maths Pages 4 + 5
Spelling Shed
Answers will be uploaded this afternoon/evening to give you a chance to have a go before checking.
Other Activities (optional):
- Topic - Can you design and label your own farm? If you remember how to use a map and key you could have a go at creating an activity farm, just like Willows Farm! What activities would you be able to do there? If there are any characters to see? Any themed areas (eg Fantastic Mr Fox's play area)
- Why not have a go at following Joe Wicks PE sessions:
We would love to hear from you and see your work. Pop us a picture, or even an explanation video of your work, we promise to respond. We really look forward to hearing from you all -
Also, We understand that this must be really strange for some of you, so please don't hesitate to pop us a message for comfort and reassurance, we would love to hear from you too.
Have a great day... try not to drive your families mad!