Want online reading books suited to your child?
We often use oxford owl reading books and curriculum visions books as home or guided reading books for our pupils in Year 1. They have generously put a selection of their books on line for free. Check out these links...
- Curriculum visions website (non-fiction books that have their colour book band noted on them):https://www.curriculumvisions.com/ Please note that the new curriculum/government guidelines for age related book bands are Reception is lilac-yellow, Year 1 is yellow-turquoise and Year 2 is turquoise-white. These are the book bands we'd expect your child to be able to access during their year in that year group.
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- Oxford Owl reading books: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page
- Free Ebooks for Kids/Children: https://www.kidsworldfun.com/ebooks.php I've never used this before but found it and it has some good ebooks that the children might enjoy.
- Twinkl www.twinkl.co.uk : This website also does ebooks. They are not book banded but are written in a variety of levels for the children.
- Epic books! (paid/subscription or 30 day free trial): https://www.getepic.com/ Please note this is not a subscription we're signed up to so the school cannot give you access through them.
Similarly, please do REGULARLY READ TO YOUR CHILD...any children's books you can find. Don't forget you can find ebooks to do this too.
Here are a list of great websites where storytellers will read to your child too:
- www.vooks.com (requires small subscription monthly payment or may be a trial)
- Epic books! (paid/subscription or 30 day free trial): https://www.getepic.com/
- Youtube have lots of the world's most famous children's books read or dramatised
- Cbeebies bedtime stories: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/b00jdlm2/cbeebies-bedtime-stories