Tuesday 24th March (Home Learning Tasks)
Good morning Year 1!
It was lovely to receive photographs, videos and news from so many of you yesterday. Keep them coming :)
Today's learning activities:
English Pages 6 + 7
Maths Pages 6 + 7
Practice the things you've learnt in your English and Maths workbooks today. For example, how many different words can you think of with the /ee/ (ee, e_e, ea, ey, y, etc) or /ie/ (ie, igh, y, i_e, etc) sounds in? Why not practice your great counting skills by counting 20-100 objects you find round the house?
Practice your letter formation (see separate post for tips)
Spelling, basic punctuation and maths online/real life games: For example, we sent home the login for Maths Shed/Spelling Shed a while ago (your login works for both)
Read some pages of a book to your parents or older siblings. Mums and Dads don't forget to ask them reading comprehension questions. Thank you!
Topic (Art/Design and Technology) - Make a farmyard animal in a creative way. Miss Adams used drawing pins as an example but we're sure you can do much better! Maybe bake cupcakes decorated in the shape of a chick? Or make a paper mache goat? A tissue paper card full of bouncing bunnies? Any objects in your house or garden will do! The more creative the better! Maybe you want to create a whole farm? Maybe they could make their animal using stones, leaves and flowers from the garden? Or maybe you'd rather take your time over a picture drawn with colouring pencils or felt tips? It's up to you. We can't wait to see your fantastic creations! Please send us photographs (and say if we can put them on the blog.) Please don't worry about getting crafty or baking things if it is too difficult. We just want to create fun but you can use ANYTHING you want or choose a different farming/food topic idea. We will post a grid of general 'field to fork' topic ideas tomorrow afternoon to help you select your own alternative ideas for whenever you need it.
About Joe Wicks. Joe Wicks is the online nutrition coach inspiring people all over the world to cook with his #Leanin15 video meals on Instagram.
Don't forget to exercise daily:
- Why not have a go at following today's Joe Wicks PE sessions?: https://www.thebodycoach.com/blog/pe-with-joe-1254.html
- Also check out Mr Higgins daily P.E workout (see his Tudor Sports blog)
We would love to hear from you and see your work. Send us a photograph or even a video of your work. We promise to respond. We really look forward to hearing from you all.
Answers will be uploaded later in the day so you can have a go first.
PLEASE NOTE: If we gave you a 'workbook' from another year group then go to that year group's blog page and you'll find the answers there.
Have a great day!
From Miss Adams and Miss Foy