Friday 27.03.2020
Good Morning Year 1!
Happy Fri-YAY. Well done for almost completing your first week of home learning. We can’t begin to tell you how proud we are with your response to the current situation.
Please keep up the constant interaction with your teacher, not only does it make us smile, but it allows us to see the amazing things you are getting up to at home.
Today's home learning activities:
- English Pages: 12+ 13
- Maths Pages: 12 + 13
- Practice your letter formation (see separate post for tips)
- Spelling, basic punctuation and maths online/real life games: For example, we sent home the login for Maths Shed/Spelling Shed a while ago (your login works for both)
- Do your daily reading
- Topic – In year 1 it is really important to be able to recognise different flowers. As you are allowed to go for a walk, we thought we would give you the whole weekend to complete this task. Attached is a ‘flower hunt’ sheet for you to use, you could do this in your garden if you like. If you are unable to print the sheet, create your very own flower hunt! We can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Don't forget to exercise daily:
- Why not have a go at following today's Joe Wicks PE sessions?: https://www.thebodycoach.com/blog/pe-with-joe-1254.html
About Joe Wicks. Joe Wicks is the online nutrition coach inspiring people all over the world to cook with his #Leanin15 video meals on Instagram.www.thebodycoach.com
- Also check out Mr Higgins daily P.E challenge - today is the cha-cha-plank ... you may see some familiar faces (including Miss Foy!)
Answers will be uploaded later in the day so you can have a go first.
We look forward to hearing from you –
Miss Foy, Mrs Benjamin, Miss Adams and Mrs Knight x