Tuesday 31.03.2020
Good Morning Year 1! I hope you are ready for a super fun filled day of learning!
Today's home learning activities:
- English Pages: 16 + 17
- Maths Pages: 16 + 17
- Practice your letter formation (see separate post for tips)
- Spelling, basic punctuation and maths online/real life games: For example, we sent home the login for Maths Shed/Spelling Shed a while ago (your login works for both)
- Do your daily reading
- Topic (DT): This term's topic takes us to the creation of a fruit salad and it's packaging. So your task today is to design the packaging for a healthy snack. The packaging needs to include;
- an eye catching name ( FOY-tastic fruit, Adams apples, Magnificent mangoes)
-a descriptive sentence (This juicy fresh fruit kebab stick will help you to reach your five a day!)
- Bright colours and pictures! (patterns/logos? is it in a bag? a box? is it fresh?)
Get creative guys and don't forget to label the picture of your food packaging when done! You could paint, draw, use a computer/ playdough... it's up to you!
Don't forget to exercise daily:
- Maybe Joe Wicks PE sessions?: https://www.thebodycoach.com/blog/pe-with-joe-1254.html
- Also check out Mr Higgins daily P.E challenge
Answers will be uploaded later in the day so you can have a go first.
We look forward to hearing from you –
Miss Foy, Mrs Benjamin, Miss Adams and Mrs Knight x