Wednesday 01.04.20
Hello Year 1!
Thank you for working hard at home. You're superstars!
Today's home learning activities:
- English Pages: 18 + 19
- Maths Pages: 18 + 19
- Practice your letter formation (see separate post for tips)
- Spelling, basic punctuation and maths online/real life games: Here's a new free maths games website for you. It's Carol Vodererman's https://www.themathsfactor.com/
- Do your daily reading
Topic (History): Write 3 or more differences you can see between these 2 photographs. Please send in your answers in sentences with capital letters.
Milking cows in the past Milking cows in the present
Don't forget to exercise daily:
- Maybe Joe Wicks PE sessions?: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ?feature=emb_subscribe_title
- Also check out Mr Higgins daily P.E challenge
Answers will be uploaded later in the day so you can have a go first.
We look forward to hearing from you –
Miss Foy, Mrs Benjamin, Miss Adams and Mrs Knight x