Easter Stay-cation week 1 round up
It has been great to see more of your super activities coming in and great that some of you have been trying the ones we suggested too.
Daniel and Issac had a go at getting their eggs to the ground safely- apparently with only minimal leakage- phew!
Edie has made a sign, sent it to her Nanny, played hit the button and read lots of books! As well as this she has researched the life cycle of a crocodile after seeing them on Deadly 60 (a great show).
Olivia has also been up to lots of activities- performing arts classes, seed planting, sewing, baking and nature trails with her siblings (today is national sibling day, so make sure you give any brothers or sisters a hug or send them a message). As well as this, her caterpillars are getting bigger and bigger- we are looking forward to the Chrysalis stage soon.
Jennifer has created her own challenge course- I especially like the knight archery section- I feel there is still time to petition the IOC and get this included in the 2021 Olympics.
There are lots of great activities on the Internet and I know over the last few weeks many of you have been looking at art hub for drawing tips. How about trying Draw with Rob! I particularly like the Gregosaurus.
Finally, this week began the Jewish celebration of Passover and today is the Christian celebration called Good Friday which is followed on Sunday, by Easter Sunday. During these festivals, Jews and Christians think about how they believe they have been given hope, been protected and saved (from slavery or from sin). One symbol of this hope in the Easter story is that of the stone which Christians believe had been rolled away from Jesus' tomb. I know that lots of you have taken part in Hemel Rocks and lots of you are going on daily walks, perhaps over this weekend you could decorate a special Year 2 Tudor rock for some to find on their daily walk- sharing the hope we have and keeping us together even when we are apart.
Have a wonderful weekend- check back onto the blog on Monday for some more activities to try (we will be starting to think about our NEW theme...)
Keep safe and well,
Miss Cosby, Miss Scott, Mrs Taylor, Mrs Higgins and Mr Denny.