Now we're really starting to see what we can do using Seesaw. Just look at our work!
It's now two days into our Home Learning using Seesaw and we've been really impressed by what everyone has been able to do. Lots of people have learned how to add text and to draw on Seesaw. We've also had some great voice recordings. It has been particularly lovely to hear people read to us.
There was some super Maths and English work yesterday. This is what Florence and Eadie achieved. Great work!
There were more amazing symbol designs yesterday. Here are some of them from Frankie, Jamie and Issac. You can also see Daisy's colourful design at the top of the page.
We have also been really impressed at the thoughtful ideas when people have told us all about their safe places
This is Hannah's safe place. Great use of Seesaw Hannah!
Just look what Briar-Rose baked yesterday too! That banana bread looks absolutely delicious.
We can't wait to see what you all upload to Seesaw today. If you haven't tried your login yet then come and join us! We're looking forward to seeing you all.
Best wishes,
Miss Scott and Miss Cosby