Some of our end of the week highlights.
We've now completed two whole weeks of home learning using Seesaw and we're now really getting to grips with how to use all of the different features. There has been lots of great addition and subtraction work going on in Maths this week. In English we've looked closely at the features of postcards and we've had good fun demonstrating the meaning of homophone pairs. Here are some of Friday's highlights from the work uploaded on Seesaw.
As we've seen in other posts, Year 2 have been getting all arty this week and making their own versions of 'Regatta at Cowes' by Raoul Dufy. We were really impressed with Alex's artwork, which you can see in the picture above. Just look how he re-created the scene in the painting using different objects around his house as well as things that he made himself. What a great idea! Here are Ethan and Tadhg's fabulous versions of the painting too.
Merielle has been practising drawing and uploaded this super picture.
Miruna has been getting all creative too. This is what she uploaded.
Lots of you uploaded your Geography challenges this week, where you had to label the countries and seas around the United Kingdom. This is Daniel's work, complete with circled seaside towns.
This is Edie's colourful work from the challenge. She also had a go at some online activities all about the United Kingdom. Great work!
Cassia made this poster using Seesaw to show how she could tell that the plants that she found were living things.
This eye-catching road safety poster was created by Jennifer. It came complete with a road safety video that she had made. Well done Jennifer!
Well done to all of you for all of your hard work and for uploading so much amazing work to your Seesaw journals. We are all really impressed with your hard work and creativity and really can't wait to see what you upload next week. Keep up with the fantastic learning and thanks grown-ups for all of your help and support with this. See you all on Seesaw next week!
Best wishes,
Miss Scott, Miss Cosby, Mrs Taylor, Mrs Higgins and Mr Denny