A round-up of our learning from Monday and Tuesday.
Wow! Just wow! Doesn't Briar-Rose's underwater habitat diorama look AMAZING? We have been really impressed with the work uploaded to Seesaw so far this week. What an amazing variety of work! Year 2 have all been working so hard that it was difficult to choose pictures for this blog post. In fact we have been bowled over by all of the super work, including your photographs and videos of you completing this week's P.E. challenge.
We've been looking at fractions this week and there's already been some fantastic work going on. Abbey was one of our gold award winners last week and she's already made a super start to the new week with her Maths work.
Our fractions work has even included finding fractions around the home as Ethan and Edie both demonstrated really well.
In English, we've started to investigate non-chronological reports. On Monday we labelled the features of reports. Here is Merielle's carefully labelled text.
We then grouped facts according to what they were about and put them into a research matrix. This is Aiden's great example.
Our Art activity this week is to make a diorama of an underwater habitat (as we saw in Briar-Rose's photograph). These are the dioramas that have been uploaded so far. We are really looking forward to seeing what the rest of you make.
Take care in the water! There's a very hungry looking crocodile in Amelia's habitat.
Jennifer's habitat includes a whale and real sand.
See how many living things you can spot in Isabella's underwater habitat.
Daniel has literally made a habitat and this one is going to be home to some of the worms from his garden.
Our Geography task for our theme this week is to compare Hemel Hempstead with the seaside town of St. Ives. Here is Amie's work. Where would you choose to go on holiday?
Carrying on our safety theme in PSHE, here is Alex, one of our 'Sun Safety Superstars'. He's demonstrating just what you need to stay safe in the sun. Remember 'Slip, Slop, Slap'!
So that was just the start of the week. I think that we're in for a real treat for the rest of the week. We are really excited about seeing what gets uploaded to all of the journals.
Enjoy your learning Year 2!
Best wishes,
Miss Scott and Miss Cosby