Some highlights from the week so far.
Only half way through and what a busy week it's been so far! Year 2 have been busy working through lots of English and Maths tasks along with activities from all of the other subjects. The Art activity this week involves creating a new version of 'Stormy Sea' by J.M.W. Turner. Look at Eadie's amazing painting (above picture). She used her own canvas and acrylic paints. You can almost smell that salty sea and feel the spray from the massive waves. Here are some of the other works of art that have been uploaded to Seesaw.
In Andreas' picture you can see that a storm is really raging.
Issac created a collage. Looks like he'll be needing some new jeans and school trousers!
We're busy writing non-chronological reports about Brighton in English this week. Hopefully we'll share some of these with you in our next blog post. Whilst the seaside is a fun place to be though, it's not without some dangers. Here are some safety rules about how to stay safe at the seaside, courtesy of Edie.
We thought that it would also be a good idea to find out what the temperature might be like in Hemel Hempstead and Brighton this week. Luckily, we have been learning about measures in Maths.
We have learnt how to measure length. This is how Ethan's and Daisy's toys measured up.
We have also looked at how to read the temperature on a thermometer.
It looks like we're going to have better weather in Hemel Hempstead this week than we would have done if we'd gone to Brighton. This is Maisy's weather forecast (with a little help from the BBC).
We might need something to cool us down in all this warm sunny weather. Our P.E. activity this week is to create our own smoothies. That could come in handy! Here's Briar-Rose with her delicious fruit smoothie.
Our Science task this week is all about identifying mini-beasts using an idenfication key. Merielle did an amazing job finding different minibeasts and even created her own key. If you haven't tried this activity yet Year 2, then why not have a go tomorrow?
I wonder what the rest of the week will bring? Hopefully lots more fantastic work and plenty of sunshine. Year 2, you are working so hard and we've been particularly pleased that so many of you are trying really hard with your writing this week and doing lots of different activities too. We're really looking forward to sharing some of this in our next blog post. Until then, take care and stay safe.
Best wishes,
Miss Scott, Miss Cosby, Mrs Taylor, Mrs Higgins and Mr Denny