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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Monday 23rd March work for 2Q and 2R

Work for 2R and 2Q for Monday 23rd March 2020

Happy Monday,

We hope you are ready and raring to go with some work today.   Remember we would DEFINITELY like you to complete the pages we set from your new CGP Practise and Learn books and then choose a maths, English and theme piece to do to.  You can choose these from the list we sent home OR if you have something else you are excited about please go ahead and do that.  

PLEASE email us anything you have been up to and any work you would like us to see or would like help with.  Remember we will be sharing what you have been up to on here too, so you can see what the rest of the year have been doing to...that includes Mr Higgins' sports challenge- which promises to be fun!

CGP pages for today:

Maths pages 4 and 5

English pages 4 and 5


We will post the answers later on Monday evening.


Extra challenge:

We have written riddles this year...I have had a go at writing a riddle about one of the animals we saw on the farm. Can you guess what it is?  Send use your guesses on or

Can you write a riddle about a farm animal or object?  Send to us and see if we can guess yours!

I am proud and a bit of a show off.

I have lots of eyes.

I am blue like the ocean.

I like to peck at the floor.

What am I ?

Looking forward to hearing from you all soon.

Miss Cosby and Miss Scott