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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Work for Friday (yes it's FRIDAY!) 27th March

Well done everyone (especially Mums, Dads and all the carers)! We have made it to the end of our first week of 'together, but apart' learning.  We are both very proud of the effort and determination you have shown this week.

New CGP pages to be completed today:

Maths: p12-13 Multiplying and Dividing

(this may help when looking at the division

You might want a bit more practice with the division- try this website:

English: p12-13 Compound Words


Think back to our trip to Aldenham Country Park Farm.  Imagine you are in charge of the farm and you want more people to visit. Design a poster or make an advert to get people to visit.

Think about what you can see and do there.  Think about the 'best bits'.