Lets celebrate some amazing work today!!
A huge well done to everyone who has sent in work. Maxwell, Natalia, Imogen, Mya, JJ, Ryan, Connor, Dorothy, Krishan and Harriet.
Well done to Maxwell, JJ, Dorothy and Mya for producing a great french family tree!
Well done to Imogen who has had a go at Mr Higgins challenge today! Follow the link below to see her and her sister in action!!
Also well done to Natalia, who has spent a long time on her Pirate story from last week. Worth a read, she has used 2A and BOYS sentences. SHE HAS ALSO USED PURPLE PEN!!!
Well done to Harriet and Ryan, who have both created great Police fact files. Ryans drawing is very detailed and looks great. Harriets information on the rank system is very informative. Also well done to Imogen who has made a Police powerpoint presentation. Her use of images and colours makes it very eye- catching.