Check out these egg-cellent acitivites!
Morning year 3. We hope you enjoyed yesterdays activities. Here are some more to keep you going. Don't forget to send us anything you have been up to!
1. Finger painting, you could create anything you want.
What you will need:
- Paper
- A Finger or thumb
- Paint
- Black pen, preferably a thin one
Have a go at creating thumb print art, first dip your finger or thumb in some paint and print on the paper. Leave to dry and use the black pen to add details. Check out the picture below for some ideas. Can you create a underwater scene, or a jungle scene? Can you create an animal that aren’t on the picture?
2. Check out Minecraft. They are providing some of their educational lessons for free until the end of June. Check it out at the link below.
3. Mr Higgins is still doing his daily challenge. Check it out on the Tudor Sport twitter feed or search Tudor Sports on YouTube.
4. Don’t forget to keep reading. If you are stuck or a book, then why not try Oxford Owls, they have a huge selection of EBooks to choose from. Or check out David Williams reading some of his great stories.
5. Check back tomorrow for your zoom story with your teacher.