Happy Holiday! Take a look at the blog for ideas and activities to have a go at today. Remember to keep safe and stay home.
Good morning Year 4.
During the holidays, we will be uploading a blog every other day with ideas and activities that you can do inside your home or during your one exercise of the day. We'd love to hear how you've been getting along with these so please do keep in contact via email, sending us pictures, videos or just letting us know how you are. Take a look at the list below for today and tomorrow's ideas.
What a beautiful day to see some animals!
Staying at home doesn't stop us from having fun! Take a look at these live webcams of various animals in various Zoo's across the world! You can even experience and witness an animal in Dublin from the comfort of your own home!
Activities you can do once you have seen/visited the various animals:
1. Write a report about your ‘trip’ to the Zoo – Get imaginative, what did you see? Who did you go with? What was your favourite animal that you saw? Etc…
2. Draw your favourite animal that you saw and write fun/interesting facts that you found out about that animal.
3. a fact file about the animals you have seen.
4. Invent your own animal that would fit in nicely in a Zoo. Include facts with the animal as the visitors will be intrigued to know about this new animal.
5. Create top trump cards for the different animals and play against your household.
Other activities:
1. Write a letter or postcard to your friend and post in during your daily exercise outside.
2. Have a go at Mr Higgins daily challenges https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa_aqWLu1mJ0v8fVA20jxuQ
3. Learn how to say 'Hello' and 'Goodbye' in 10 different languages.
Have a fantastic couple of days and we both look forward to hearing how these activities went.
Miss Grundy and Miss Sentance