Good morning Year 4!
Finish that chocolate egg for your breakfast and then lets get creative!
We hope you had a lovely Easter weekend and didn't eat too much chocolate all in one go!
Once again, we won’t be setting you tasks from your CGP books this week as it still technically the Easter holidays but instead we are giving you a selection of fun activities that you can choose from over a two day period. Try to do at least some of these but we don’t expect you to do all of them (unless of course you really want to!).
If you do something not on the list that you want to share with us- please do! We really DO love getting emails about what you have been doing.
Mr Higgins will also be setting more challenges, so keep having a go at these and send in photos of you in action. We’ll share your great efforts with him.
Keep reading (check out Oxford Owls if you need some new ebook reading materials). Stay active. Keep in contact.
1. Decorate a stone or shell - This might be one that you already have at home or you could find a stone from outside and use this. You could use paint or anything else that you have at home.
2. Why not try some more art!! Have a go at making some animals by drawing round your hand. Watch the video below and see what you can create!
3. Miss Grundy has been making her own bookmarks during her spare time in the Easter holiday to post to her loved ones. Could you make your own bookmark; you can use Miss Grundy’s as inspiration if you need. See the attachment below. You could use these for your reading book at home.
4. Check out this cool website that has many different activities and challenges on:
Choose one to complete over today and tomorrow and share with us what you have done!