Important news as well as fabulous feedback!
Newsletter 3
Wednesday 19th October
Dear Parents/ Carers,
We continue to refine and IMPROVE…
Can you believe we have nearly reached the end of the first half term already? The children are settled well in class and they are producing super work across the curriculum. It is a key part of the school leadership to ensure that standards are high across the school and there is a LOT of evidence that is telling us that! From positive results in our initial assessment period of the year to seeing how ENGAGED the children are in classes, Tudor is working very well. I mentioned in some recent correspondence that we were looking forward to receiving a report from a county advisor for our provision in early years and I am now delighted to be able to share some of the comments that were made about our school. Well done EVERYONE!
Whilst such feedback is pleasing to hear we must commit to improving further and the suggested improvements are well on their way to being met. Since I arrived at Tudor, I have been very keen to seek the views of others about our practice at Tudor. From county audits and reviews in a range of subjects to encouraging professionals from other schools/ settings I remain determined to be as transparent and open as possible. Do continue to look at this website which shares key information about how we present the curriculum to the children as well as how they are responding.
Our Autumn progress meetings were also completed last week and these are also a key part of our monitoring. It always impresses me HOW MUCH the teaching team KNOW about your children already. To hear how they confidently adapt the learning so children have the BIGGEST chance to SUCCEED is amazing- children can only flourish if they are happy, safe and enthused and the relationships between the teaching team and each child is key. From these meetings, a number of adjustments are considered and we are also able to offer a range of PROVEN interventions that can make a huge positive difference to your children. Many of these take place in school hours but, if they are outside of school time (such as breakfast learning clubs), we hope that you will support us all and enable your child to experience the benefits as highlighted in this quote:
We have already had our year 6 residential and this photo is just one of many that shares the fun that the children experienced.
There are many advantages of visiting at the start of the academic year and the children truly showed how they are fully #TeamTudor. More children than ever took part- whilst it can be a challenging week for some, we remain so proud of how they responded.
Inclusion at Tudor Primary- a message from Miss Reading- our Leader for Inclusion:
If your child has an 'Individual Support Plan', you will be receiving a letter from your child's teacher inviting you to attend a support plan review and planning meeting. Please do attend this appointment (if the appointment time is not convenient speak to your child's teacher to rearrange) as it is vital we work in partnership to identify next steps for your child and to discuss provision required to enable them to fulfil their potential. Please follow the link to access the most recent 'Delivering Special Provision Locally' newsletter: https://www.tudor.herts.sch.uk/attachments/download.asp?file=4116. Here you will find information and booking links for a range of courses and support in the local area, including the Dacorum Send Fayre on the 9th November, SEND surgeries and ADD-vance courses and consultations. If you cannot find what you are looking for on the SEND/Family Links section of the school website, please do contact me via inco@tudor.herts.sch.uk or alternatively call the school office.
A CLOSE EYE on Safeguarding- a message from Ms Smith - our Designated Safeguarding Lead
All staff at Tudor have a responsibility to provide a safe environment in which children can learn. Staff are particularly well placed to observe outward signs of abuse, changes in behaviour and failure to develop because they have daily contact with children. All staff receive appropriate safeguarding training, so that they are knowledgeable and aware of their role in the early recognition of the indicators of abuse or neglect and of the appropriate procedures to follow.
For parents/carers we also have a dedicated safeguarding page on our website to support you with any safeguarding concerns that you may have. If you need to report concerns about a child that you are worried may be being mistreated or abused, then please call 0300 123 4043. All children at Tudor have also taken part in the NSPCC assembly this past week to remind them to Speak out and Stay safe with help from our school mascot 'Buddy'.
The safeguarding section of our website has a wealth of information to support you including internet safety and support on how to keep your children safe with advice from the NSPCC. Members of our safeguarding team are available should you wish to discuss any concerns with them: Ms Smith (Deputy Head), Mr Weightman (Headteacher), Ms Reading (INCo), Mrs Penn (Pastoral Support Worker).
A message from the Friends of Tudor-
We are REALLY looking forward to our awesome fireworks spectacular on Friday 4th November. It is sure to be a super night- come and support YOUR school.
Flu vaccinations- Thurs 3rd Nov. Do ensure you have filled in the online form on the email sent 13th October to either give/ refuse consent.
Lost Property- Have you made sure that you have CLEARLY named your children’s uniform? If you want help with this, do contact the office team. When uniform is suitably named we can easily get misplaced items back to the correct children/ families.
The next period of time is a truly important period for us all. As well as the likelihood of an Ofsted Inspection, we must all work in partnership with each other as we face very challenging times in society. Let’s all look out for each other and treat each other in the right way. There is little doubt that financial pressures are increasing and we pledge that we will continue to be a school at the centre of our wonderful community. Don’t forget that we are fully open until 3.15pm on Friday and we look forward to all the children returning on Tuesday 1st November. (Staff training is on Monday 31st October.) Before then, we have a fun surprise for the children at the end of this week- WHAT could it be?! Enjoy the rest of the week and half term…