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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Newsletter 13- Wednesday 8th May- NOW ONLINE

Please stay informed about all things #TeamTudor- there's LOTS going on...

Newsletter 13

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Whilst we still await some warmer weather, the progress continues to heat up inside Tudor Primary. As recent staff and leadership meetings are evidencing, the children are performing very well and we look forward to yet more fantastic outcomes and results from the children. Behaviour remains a strength and there is always a calm, purposeful atmosphere throughout the school.

The new themes create real interest and children regularly visit my room to share work that they are PROUD of. It is certainly animal-tastic in reception and the writing is super at the moment- the young Tudorites know so much about animals and how they are different and suited to their environment. In year 1 and year 2, the children are transported to the coast each day with their ‘Seaside Rescue’ focus and the work across the curriculum is pleasing the teaching team- in some ways, the current weather is rather appropriate when speaking of British holidays by the sea!

Year 3 and Year 4 are recognising ‘What a Wonderful World’ we have and the oldest children are able to ‘Step Back in Time’ every day- whatever the learning content, we should all feel incredibly proud of how successful the school is showing itself to be. I am sure you will join us in wishing our year 6 well for the SAT assessments which take place next week. They are a tremendous set of children and they are ready to excel! They can also look forward to some extra activities to help make their end of Tudor experience fun- we have some great surprises in store for them!

Since our last newsletter, allocations for next year’s reception cohort have been made and the future of Tudor is bright- having significant interest in the school (and being hugely oversubscribed) is vital as this ensures the school budget is in good shape. We have even been informed that some of our year groups have the LONGEST waiting lists of ANY school in Hemel Hempstead. Our pledge remains that every class can benefit from a full teaching team and we believe our wider school ‘provision’ is unrivalled. Long may that continue!   

Mason’s story…

All at Tudor thank you in advance for taking some time to read the related social media links to learn more about Mason, one of our valued Tudorites.

His life journey has been challenging and his family appreciate any support of yours in helping share his story far and wide. The links are:


Facebook and Instagram- Masonskidneyappeal

Everyone at Tudor knows Mason to be a stoic, happy young man who gives his all every day with us. Schools are truly special places and our biggest strength will always be how we work together in support of our community.

Attendance- understanding our joint DUTY OF CARE for your children. Please be HONEST!

Children only have one chance at an education and, as research shows, good attendance at school is vital for wellbeing. Simply put, children who attend well, achieve well- academically and socially! We are now a school that has attendance above national average and the number of persistent absentees has massively reduced. Please follow school policy and inform the school if your child is unable to attend school. On occasions where an absence needs to be recorded, please be honest with any reasons. Such honesty must surely be a basic expectation for all!

Inclusion at Tudor Primary- a message from Miss Reading- our Assistant Head for Inclusion:

The Hertfordshire NHS Community Trust has a web page dedicated to Speech and Language  Here you can find a wealth of information, and advice on a range of topics including;  Attention and Listening, Ages and Stages, Higher Level Language Skills, Selective Mutism, Social Communication, Speech, Stammering and Understanding Language. Dacorum Family Services are offering free workshops for parents/carers this term. On the 15th May, they are facilitating a 'Managing Worries and Anxiety' workshop and on the 20th June there will be a 'Moving onto Secondary School' workshop. Both workshops take place online, from 10-11.30am, to book your place, please contact Jan Nethercoat at:

AMAZING art success for Dollie in local exhibition

Art provision at Tudor has progressed wonderfully under the leadership of Miss Houston. As a further development of the artistic opportunities at Tudor, the children in year 4 and 5 took part in the exhibition for ‘Dacorum Young Artists’ at Ashlyns School. We are thrilled to announce that Dollie’s artwork achieved second place overall. This is a fantastic result considering the MANY children that entered. We have been informed that her work will now be viewed at further exhibitions- how amazing is that! Well done Dollie.

We will inform you when we can offer Freewheel Friday opportunities!

As shared in the last newsletter, we will contact parents in advance when we are able to offer ‘Friday Freewheeling Fun!’ Parents will be informed by Wednesday if the activity will be going ahead on the Friday of that week. Keep an eye on your emails. We know it is a popular activity when the weather allows but we need to ensure the appropriate levels of staffing. Children in years 5 and 6 will need to self-register when the activity goes ahead and children from ALL OTHER YEAR GROUPS will need to be looked after by their own families.


The Hangout is our high quality after school provision. Due to the awesome activities that the children love, it gets great feedback and we continue to be impressed with what the children experience. More information at:

We will also be offering 3 weeks of ‘The Hangout’ in the summer!

Diary Dates:

Class assemblies-

4U- Thursday 9th May,

3T- Thursday 16th May,

3S- Thursday 23rd May,

1P- Thursday 20th June,

1O- Thursday 27th June,

Class photos-Monday 20th May

Year 6 Leavers’ assembly-Thursday 18th July(evening).

Sports Day-Monday 15th July,

Final parent consultations- Tuesday 9th/ Thursday 11th July.

Community, community, community…

When I speak about Tudor, the word that I (naturally) use a lot is community. I have worked in a number of (very different) schools and I have tried to take the best things from all of them when shaping plans for Tudor. The vast majority of the parents/ carers at Tudor remain supportive of the school and work alongside us in support of the children. From ensuring your child is ready and on time EVERY DAY for school (like Heidi below!), to recognising the importance of working with others, we truly appreciate the partnership that we have.

Some of the most important work we do is not widely shared as it is bespoke to the needs of individual families/ situations but be assured that, if you ever need anything, YOUR school is here to HELP!

Mr Weightman
