Updates from our residential trip...
Friday AM
I would predict that there are some very sleepy children in the queue for breakfast this morning. Following their final full day of activities, the children were all able to enjoy a memorable disco. I know I am biased but the Tudor children were by far the best dancers there; I also have to admit that our teachers were the most rhythmic and showed the children that they still had some energy left in the tank!
Fortunately, I was able to grab a photo of the two boys that won the Tudor dance competition. They were so happy... bless!
Mind you, as headteacher I am a little concerned with the look in Mr Gayle's eyes: no wonder the children in his class are always so well behaved!
On a serious note, I would like to say a big thank you to the staff who have accompanied the children to PGL this week. They have really 'given their all' to make sure that your children have been safe and sound all week.
The stars of the show, though, must remain the children: to hear them supporting each other on the activities yesterday made me a very proud headteacher indeed.
Enjoy your (well earned) long weekend everybody!
The 'Tudor Adventurers' are now planning to arrive back at around 4.30pm. If there is any change to this time due to traffic conditions, we will send updates via text.
Thursday evening
It's 7.06... The disco starts in 9 minutes...GULP
I cannot see how the Tudor School Party can get any more excited- I have already been told by every child here that, 'This has been the best week ever!'
I have to agree with all of the amazing (but very worn out) Tudor staff that the children look amazing...
Time to bust some moves!
Parents of the Tudor adventurers- you are going to hear some amazing tales of fun and friendship tomorrow!
Whilst I have enjoyed sharing news from the children on their residential trip, I am now starting to feel a little nervous as I will be joining them this afternoon.
Ms Smith and myself are planning to surprise the group at the PGL site and there are (worrying!) reports that I will be expected to attend the disco. All should be well though as I am sure that I can leave all the fancy dance moves to Mr Gayle.
On the subject of the activities, I have heard reports that the children are now starting to feel the effects of all this 'outdoor learning' and the fresh air is making them very sleepy indeed:
These children just do not have the stamina do they...
I do hope you have enjoyed these updates from the group and I will endeavour to share some more news tomorrow morning.
Enjoy your final quiet evening at home before their return tomorrow. Mind you, I think that they will be rather sleepy for a few days yet!
Wednesday PM
The children are now half way through their residential trip and the action is not slowing.
The children spent much of today on the wet and wild activities like raft building. Here are some photos showing how they got on... considering that the boats are floating indicate that they have been rather successful with their ship building skills!
I am a little bit disappointed with this group- they're not even on the water!
After splashing around, there was more fun to be had. The 'crate activity' always proves to be a fun challenge:
'Teamwork makes the dreamwork'- Go Tudor!
Wednesday AM
My early morning message today from the Tudor Leaders at PGL read 'Had a great night's sleep last night!' I do hope Mr Gayle and Mr Munro were talking for the children too...I am sure they were!
Lots of photos for our website on this fresh, sunny morning. If you are wondering what the food is like, here is a selection of the options from last night. Out of the choices, which do you think your child would have gone for?
Let's play the fun game: 'Which option did your child choose?'
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
The answer to the quiz can be 'All 3!' by the way...
So what else have the children been up to?
Here are some more photos to show the action packed experience of PGL:
Watch out Lewis Hamilton...
Don't worry mums and dads: I'm sure they got down!
The staff are 'still standing'...(just!)
I must say that staff look like they are having a fantastic time too... and so they should!
More updates will be added soon- enjoy your day...
Tuesday PM
What a fun-filled day!
Mr Gayle has been able to share many tales of children facing their fears whether up high on the high ropes courses or underground when exploring the tunnel systems at the PGL site.
Mr Gayle was also pleased to share how impressed he is with the behaviour of the children whilst they are on activities and when supporting their friends.
Go Tudor!
We hope you are enjoying these updates from our explorers! I will endeavour to share photos from as many of the groups as I can...
Tuesday AM
We understand that the Tudor adventurers are certainly very excited about being away on school journey. So much so, that a number of them were keen to start activities before the sun rose in the sky this morning...and that includes Mr Gayle!
The food has certainly proved tasty (Mr Munro even finished all his vegetables) and the accommodation is of a very high standard.
Activities start today- keep checking back for photos and updates about their adventurous achievements!
Monday PM
Following the safe arrival of the Tudor PGL Party, the children are settling well into their new surroundings.
I am sure Mr Gayle and the staff can look forward to a 'nice, quiet evening'...
Here is the view of the site that greeted the excited party!