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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School


Dear Red, Yellow and Nursery Class,

 Here are lots of different ideas for when you are working at home. They will help to keep you thinking and will help you practise what you have learnt so far in school.

We will upload daily challenges on to Tapestry for you to complete.

You can also email us (please ask your mum or dad first!) We will try to reply to all emails promptly.

Our email addresses are:

Here are some top tips for working:

· If you are unwell and unable to complete tasks, your mum or dad can let me know via my email address.  It is important that you get well quickly.

· A good idea would be to make sure you read once each day, practice your phonics every day so that you do not forget your sounds, try and write something every day and don’t forget to count everything you see!


We have also uploaded some documents below with a range of ideas to do at home with your children.  Whatever your child does that makes you go 'WOW!' please send to us and we will upload to their profile

See you soon and stay safe,

Miss Price, Mrs Pamplin and Miss Pike

Foundation Stage Curriculum

LATEST NEWS: Please see below for our Phonics & Reading Workshop presentation from the meeting held Thurs 17th October 2019; and for the NEW weekly update newsletter

We are very proud of our EYFS because:

'Learning in Nursery and Reception is fun-filled and action packed.' (Ofsted, March 2017) 

In our early years we have one morning Nursery class which is taught by Miss Pike and Mrs Cleaver. We are part of Tudor School Foundation Stage Unit and share our learning space inside and outside with 2 full time Reception classes, red class and yellow class.

Red Class is taught by Mrs Pamplin and Miss North.

Yellow class is taught by Miss Price and Miss Umney.

Both classes also enjoy a weekly sports session with Mr Higgins.

In this area of our website you will be able to take a look at the fun, interesting and exciting things your children in Reception and Nursery will be getting up to this year on our foundation blog. We will be sharing news on our exciting topics, and things we have produced during adult-led learning time and play and learn time. 

Please use our Tapestry app or website ( to take a look at photographs, videos and descriptions of your childs activities and progress.  As well as this we will be uploading weekly newsletters which will show you our focus areas and activities for the week ahead, so please check this page regularly!

We begin the year by introduced rules and routines through our ‘Familiar Stories’ topic.

Please bear in mind this is a working document as the teachers will be personalising the learning and topic links throughout the year.

'Children have access to a full range of engaging activities to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding through purposeful play in all areas of learning.' (Ofsted, March 2017)