Keeping Your Children Safe
During times of heavy traffic, particularly when the children are leaving the school site, please be patient and avoid driving on the pavements. Small children are not easy to spot and will not be looking out for traffic if they are walking on the pavement.
By far the easiest (and least frustrating) way to avoid the congestion is, of course, to walk. If this is out of the question then observing the 'voluntary' one-way system (see map) does save you the trouble of trying to travel against the flow of traffic. Alternatively, avoid the congestion completely and improve your fitness by parking at Tesco and walking the 400 metres to school from there (see map).
However you choose to travel, please show patience and courtesy to other road users to set a good example to our children and to keep them safe. If you witness a driver endangering children then please note their registration number and report directly to the police by dialling 101.