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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

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Newsletter 17

Wednesday 10th July 2024

End of year reports… for children… AND the school!

This will be our final newsletter of the year. And WHAT a year it has been for the best children around! School in the summer is always busy and we will not be slowing down until the last minute on the last day. There is lots to share with you this week. Since the last newsletter, we have received our key stage 2 SATs results as well as the written reports from two county inspections. I will begin by sharing the key comments from the Early Years inspection which took place at the end of June. This full day inspection looked at how we support our youngest learners (and their families) in what is a vital first full year in primary school. A big well done to Mrs Price and her team- the comments in the box below are just a few of the super things reported about our practice.

As well as the inspection in EYFS, our approach to subject leadership was moderated last week. As you know, Tudor’s thematic approach to the curriculum makes us extra special and it is a noted strength of the school. We are delighted to share the comments that have been shared about the subject leaders within Tudor’s teaching team. Whilst I want our teachers to remain at Tudor, we must continue to develop them as leaders- after all, it’s not just the children that learn at Tudor- we ALL do!

The current Tudor value of the month is PRIDE and we CERTAINLY should feel proud with the end of school SATs results that our year 6 children achieved this year. There will be very few schools that match our outcomes and it is fantastic to see that all the hard work the children put into their learning has been rewarded. Remember that our results are also NOT because we have narrowed the curriculum and/or given the children double english and maths each day. Where intervention or support is in place, these are primarily delivered as morning clubs where children are able to come along and have free breakfast too! We want the children to reach their potential but this should never be at the expense of a broad and balanced curriculum which values EVERY subject! We don’t just aim for age-related expectations at Tudor either: so many of our children achieve the highest ‘greater depth’ standard- in every subject too!  

The year 6 children have certainly been an awesome group throughout their time at Tudor and they have been enjoying the range of fun experiences as their time at Tudor draws to a close. As well as more skiing this week, they enjoyed a round of golf at ‘Mulligans’ in Jarman Park- knowing them, they were as successful on the course as they were in their SATs.

A BIG thank you to the majority of year 6 parents who have worked in partnership with Tudor over the years- that support makes a difference in so many ways! Most importantly, it helps the children flourish… and they evidently have…

Inclusion at Tudor Primary- a message from Miss Reading- our Assistant Head for Inclusion:

Staff at Tudor are intent on ensuring each child's transition to either a new class (or new school!) is as smooth as possible. If your child has an Individual Support Plan, Education Health Care Plan, Therapeutic Behaviour Plan (or has any additional educational, medical, social or emotional needs) be assured that staff working with your child from September will be fully aware of these needs and provision and support required. Each child will receive a 'My New Class' leaflet that contains key information (including photos) about their new class which you can refer to during the summer break. For information about what special educational needs and disabilities services are available in Hertfordshire, including details of courses and activities available over the summer, please do look at the Hertfordshire Local Offer: .

Welcoming our new Tudorites… and their families! Tudor is very proud of the level of interest in our school. It is not easy to get a space (in any year group!) and there were lots of happy parents that attended the welcome meetings last week. We continue to work very hard to ensure the transition into Tudor is effective and it is important to share just how important that partnership between home and school must be. The current reception children have managed to achieve 95% attendance this year and this is a huge increase on previous years. This has, undoubtedly, been a major reason why the reception results this year have been our best ever too. We seek similar success next year and, unapologetically, we will have high aspirations and expectations for everyone in support of the children. Attendance is the KEY TO SUCCESS and a HAPPY SCHOOL!

Tudor at the centre of the COMMUNITY

Community is a key word at Tudor and it was awesome to see the level of support for the Tudor Owls fundraising idea last week. The Hospice of St Francis will certainly benefit from our efforts- the children enjoyed getting dressed in purple but they are also making a real difference to others. Well done all.

Talking of fundraising- Tudor Primary is one of the three voting options in the current Tesco support initiative. We would love some support and investment in our plans for a new sensory space in our school. If you are able to, please drop a token in the Tudor collection box. It would be great if you could convince any one else you know to do the same too… every little helps!

It’s SPORTS DAY on Monday and we really hope that the weather is kind to us all. The children will show off some sporting skills in the morning before a family picnic opportunity and some traditional running races in the afternoon. It’s always a fun day and we hope to see lots of families coming along to support the teams on show.

The final week of the school year also brings further activities to support the move to their next class. I am sure the children are looking forward to meeting their new teachers- especially those new additions to #TeamTudor. On Thursday we have the ‘Year 6 Leavers’ Show’ and on the final day we have the ‘Headteacher assembly’ which will include some super surprises. It is certainly a busy final week. Term finishes at 2pm next Friday 19th July.

To finish, I trust you will join me in saying farewell (and thank you!) to those teachers who will not be at our school in September. Miss Sentance will be a fantastic assistant headteacher at Micklem and we look forward to working with her in the future. Miss Manzie is taking her magic to Manchester where she will continue to excel. My final words must go to the year 6 children of 23-24. Not only have they set the highest standards educationally, they have recognised those Tudor values of kindness, respect and responsibility throughout their time with us- we’ll miss them…

Mr Weightman
