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Newsletter 1
Friday 6th September 2024
Dear Parents/ Carers,
Welcome to the first edition of our Tudor newsletter for the academic year 2025/2025! Please ensure that you always keep up to date with school news- we aim to share a newsletter every couple of weeks and reading it will ensure that neither you (nor your child!) miss out on all the key information or fun things that happen as part of daily life at Tudor. An extra special greeting must go to all those children and families (and staff!) who are part of #TeamTudor for the first time. We should feel very proud of our school and we are determined for EVERY child to have the most wonderful and rewarding experience at Tudor. It’s always fun to see the new children in early years arrive on their first day with their proud parents- they just can sense all of the amazing things that are in store! As the photos highlight, their new world of learning was ready and waiting for them…
Tudor Primary was super busy in the summer. As well as the many improvements to the site (new kitchen servery, new fencing, new refurbishment… and more!) we delivered more holiday provision than ever. The feedback was fantastic and if you want to see the RANGE of awesome activities that the children got up to, do have a look at our school X/Twitter page.
As always, the teachers have also been busily organising imaginative and inspiring learning for the children within our ‘Tudor Thematic Curriculum’. They just love transforming their classrooms too to reflect the learning for the new term. The rooms really look so inviting!
Our current themes are:
EYFS- New Beginnings
Year 1 and Year 2- Toy Stories
Year 3 and Year 4- Is it Right to Fight?
Year 5 and Year 6- A Whole New World
IMPORTANT- please read the UPDATED national guidance on ATTENDANCE
Since August, new guidelines are in place for schools nationally in regard to attendance and the management of unauthorised attendance. We strongly advise all parents to read the new legislation as there are clear changes on expectations. To support with your understanding, we have provided copies of the parents’ guide on the reverse of the letter that has been sent out. As it highlights, super attendance (and correct punctuality/ time keeping!) is achieved by the overwhelming majority of our school community and little use of fixed penalty notices has been required. Whilst the expectations/ wording may seem ‘strong’ it needs to be recognised that all children deserve a full, consistent experience of education. Remember that school STARTS at 8.45am and registers close at 8.55am. As the new legislation highlights children arriving late (without a valid reason) will be given an unauthorised absence. The cut off point for this at Tudor is 9am. I am sure we would all agree that good punctuality and good attendance at school really helps set the right standards (and values) for a successful future.
Inclusion at Tudor Primary- a message from Miss Reading- our Leader for Inclusion:
To find out how the school supports children with special educational needs, please take a look at the SEND/Family Support Links section of the website: Here you will find a wealth of information, including a link to 'Tudor School's Information Report' which answers many common questions, you will also find details about courses and support meetings for parents, carers and siblings of children with additional needs. If you cannot find what you are looking for or have any questions or concerns about your child's education or wellbeing, please do not hesitate to contact me via email at:, call the school office and ask to make an appointment with me or find me on the playground every day during school drop off and pick-up.
An important announcement for school lunches- especially for families in year 3!
Universal free school meals remains in place for all children in reception, year 1 and year 2. Therefore, those families who are eligible for benefit related free school meals in year 3 (or above) need to register via the website. If you are unsure regarding eligibility, please come and see the office team. Even if you think you may not be eligible, DO apply because you (and the school) may be missing out on funding. Year 3 parents who are not eligible will obviously need to pay for school meals in advance and via the Arbor app.
After School Clubs- please make sure you respond to the forms!
Children will receive a letter for our new after school clubs. DO NOT send any money in with the forms- we will request payment once a space has been allocated. We hope as many children as possible can benefit from extra-curricular activity and most clubs will start on the week beginning 16th September. Remember that Tudor offers provision from 7.45am until 6pm EVERY school day!
Please REGULARLY use our website- it should certainly be one of your ‘favourites’!
To enable you to get the most out of Tudor, our school website is a key resource that you need to use. It gets amazing feedback and it is often used as an exemplar for other schools. You will notice that the year groups have updated their sections with specific key information about what is in store for your children. The ‘MEET THE TEACHER’ presentations are available to you and these will support a smooth start to the year. The website also contains guidance on everything that you need to know- from class assembly dates/ times and key policies to evidencing the impact that we have with your children- it’s all on there.
Class assembly dates for the first half term are:
26th Sept- 6Z,
3rd Oct- 5X,
10th Oct- 4U,
17th Oct-3S
The Friends of Tudor
The first meeting of our valued parent group will be taking place on Thursday 12th September at 7pm. This meeting takes place at school and FoT would LOVE to see more parents willing to join them in supporting the school with fundraising. The children of Tudor do get a great deal and the work of FoT is a vital part of this- especially with providing those special ‘extras’ that the children ADORE!
Reminder for the start of year- Jewellery- Jewellery should not be worn in school – it is too precious and contravenes the ‘Health and Safety’ guidelines which all schools must abide by. If your child has pierced ears we would prefer it if they did not wear earrings to school, but if they must, then they may only wear one small stud earring in each ear. If they are not yet able to remove their own earrings, then they may need to cover them with surgical tape for physical activities. Thank you!
We are so excited for this new year at Tudor Primary. Whilst the attendance legislation on the first page may appear a little ‘negative’, I trust that you look forward to working in partnership with your school. Tudor is busier than ever and our achievements really do set standards!
We are very proud of the school community and the positive atmosphere that is evident in and around school is a key to our success. We have already been visited by many of the school-leavers from last year-they clearly still feel part of #TeamTudor. Let’s continue to make this school a special place…
See you on the playground!