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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Admissions procedure

The school and Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) operates two separate admission systems for Nursery and Reception. This means that the offer of a place in Nursery does not guarantee a place in school.

Full information on the School Admissions process can be found on the HCC website via the link below. If you have any further questions please contact HCC direct.

Whilst the process is online, we are happy to support you in any way that we can. For example, we can:

  • Provide you with a paper application form for nursery applications;
  • Help you to apply online or do it on your behalf;
  • Support and guide you through the application process.

Nursery Admissions

Applying for a Nursery Place for the 2024/25 Academic Year? (ie to start in September 2024)

(Nursery place for children born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021)


If you wish to submit a late application, please contact the office on 01442 256294.  Late applications will not be offered a place until all on time applications have been offered.

Tudor Primary School offers a one form (25 place) nursery with a morning session from 8.45am – 11.45am for 25 children.  For further information about our nursery provision download the document below (Nursery Information).

Applications have now closed for the nursery intake for Sept 2024.  Please contact the school office on or 01442 256294 to discuss submitting a late application.

Timetable for Nursery Applications 2024/2025

5th Feb 2024 –

11th March 2024

Nursery applications open on the 5th Feb, via our preferred method of online applications - link above, or via paper application forms that can be downloaded below or obtained from the school office.  Applications can be made at any time until the closing date of the 11th March, after which they will be considered a “late application”.

Jan 2024 - Mar 2024

Individual and small group tours are invited to take place for nursery applicants. A member of the school's Senior Leadership Team (SLT) will show you around so you are able to make a fully informed decision. You will also have opportunities to ask questions you may have.

11th Mar 2024

Closing date for applications for 2024/2025 academic year — applications must be received by 9.00am on this date.

12th Mar – 15th April 2024

Allocation of places by school/Easter holidays

16th April 2024

Nursery places offered to families by email

3rd May 2024

Deadline for accepting Nursery places — if parents have not responded by 3.15pm on this date any offer of a place will be withdrawn.

If parents subsequently change their minds and wish to be reconsidered for a nursery place following a decline or through lack of response, then this new submission for a place will only be considered/added to the waiting list after the end of the academic year - which this year is 19th July 2024.

In Year Admissions — Nursery places for 2023/2024

If you would like a place in our nursery for the current academic year (2023/2024) please contact the school office on 01442 256294 or to see if we have any places available or to be placed on a waiting list.

Parents are also directed to:  where they can find more information. 

Children are accepted into Nursery in the September before their fourth birthday. 


Reception Admissions

Children enter school at the beginning of the Autumn Term. Our annual admission limit is sixty.

Apply on-line at  or phone 0300 123 4043. The local admissions team at Hertfordshire County Council will be process all applications and then allocation letters will be sent out to parents early in the Spring Term.

Parents are encouraged to make an appointment to visit the school when considering their child’s educational future. Whenever possible, Mr Weightman (Headteacher) will show you around the whole school so you are able to make a fully informed decision. You will also have opportunities to ask questions about how Tudor will meet the educational and social needs of your child. Please contact the school on 01442 256294, or email

When schools are oversubscribed the rules for admission are applied by Hertfordshire County Council giving priority to children with a statement for Special Educational Needs, those with a brother/sister already at the school, compelling medical or social reasons and children for whom the school is the nearest in relation to alternative schools.

'In Year' Admissions

An application to move between schools straight away (or within a few weeks) is known as an 'In Year' application. This is when a child wishes to transfer to another school outside the usual transfer time, for example because of a change of address.

Further information on moving schools and how to make an In Year application can be found online at:

Tudor Primary School works alongside other local schools to challenge 'school hopping'. Whilst there may be clear reasons why a family wish to move their between schools in the local area, Headteachers are able to share important information. For example, a meeting may be arranged between the different schools and the family to ensure an effective transition to a new setting.