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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School


Ensuring that we are committed to being true members of our local, national and world community.

Values based Education (VbE)

At Tudor Primary School it is our aim to raise standards by promoting a school ethos that is underpinned by core values.  These values support the development of the whole child as a reflective learner within a calm, caring, happy and purposeful atmosphere.

At Tudor, we give regular thought to how values can be used to support the child as a reflective learner and promote quality teaching and learning.  You can also view our SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural) policy here.

Look at how we link key British Values to our learning at Tudor:


Value of the month

Each month we focus on one specific value that we feel is important in enabling children to become caring and responsible citizens (these can be viewed at the bottom of this page).  We will also add this value as a news item each month to keep you updated and reinforce this value at home. 

Children who were nominated by their teachers, peers or parents/carers from home, who showed the value of Kindness for September were:  (Year 1);  Aurora, Lizzie, Ronnie, Brody, Summer (Year 2);  (Year 3); Harry, Nia, Sarissa, Paige (Year 4); Sienna, Dexter, Aubrey, Zaki, Dollie, Francesca, Darcy, Emma and Mr Harvey (Year 5); Jaymes, Zara, Tudor (Year 6). 

A huge well done to those children!

The value for this October is Respect. We will be working hard to demonstrate and celebrate this value through all we do this month.  

We always love to hear positive stories of the impact of our work together, both at home and at school. Please send a note in to your child’s class teacher or the school office, and they will pass anything on to me – I’d love to hear from you. 

Do read all of our other parent newsletters below, as they share some key skills that children need to have the opportunity to practice, in order to be successful and most importantly, to be happy.

Do also keep an eye on which values we focus on in which months and which ones link to our three core principles as well as those that have a focus within our relationships' curriculum in PSHE.