Year 1 Curriculum
Hopefully you will have received your home learning packs for the summer term. Included with these was an individual log on for Seesaw and instructions on how to download it. If you have not got this, please contact your class teacher ASAP.
(If you need any help with downloading the app this video may be helpful to watch: )
From the start of the summer term we will be using Seesaw to set work, as well as using it for pupils to send work back to us. It is similar to Tapestry (which has been used in Foundation Stage), but it is designed for pupils to use.
There are lots of tutorials on the web that could help, it is quite quick to pick up and allows pupils to send pictures, voice recordings, annotated notes etc...
This child-led tutorial may be useful to watch:
We will aim to set daily English and Maths activities (these may include the CGP books or ideas based on the learning from them), plus a weekly task for the other subjects we cover at school.
We would also like a weekly recording of your child reading. This can be done nice and easily on Seesaw, it could be a book from home, an Oxford Owl ebook... just a short snippet would be really helpful.
If you have any questions, please ask- we are all learning together with this, but it is quite a new and exciting way to work.
Our email addresses are:
Miss Foy: Miss Adams:
About us ...
We have two year 1 classes at Tudor School. 1O’s Class Teacher is Miss Foy and she is assisted by Miss Benjamin. 1P's class teacher is Miss Adams and she is assisted by Mrs Knight. Both classes also enjoy a weekly sports session with Mr Higgins.
Miss Scott (who teaches in year 2) is our phase leader for Key Stage 1 at Tudor Primary.
In this area of our website you will be able to take a look at the fun, engaging and exciting things your children in Year 1 will be getting up to this year.
We will be uploading termly curriculum maps to go into more detail about each area.
Please bear in mind this is a working document as the teachers will be personalising the learning and topic links throughout the year.
Phonics is a key part of our everyday teaching to help your child to read. Knowing how each group of letters 'sound' can be tricky so we have added this link to help you when supporting your child at home - click here to go to the website.
Year 1 Summer Term ‘Seaside Rescue’
In English, we’re looking at various text types including postcards, instructions, story writing and diaries. We’re working on writing in sentences including putting capital letters for names and to begin sentences. We’re practising where to put a full stop, exclamation mark and question mark. The children are improving their spelling so it’s either phonetically plausible or correct. In reading, we’re working on answering simple recall questions and beginning to tackle more complex questions that require deeper thinking.
In Maths, we’re covering a range of topics including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and mathematical problem solving. We’re also be doing some space, shape and measures work.
In Science, we’re going to be naming identifying and naming common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. We’re describing and comparing the structures of a variety of animals (including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, including pets). We’re also observing changing in the seasons and looking at the weather associated with each season.
In Geography, we’re identifying human and physical features of the seaside and using basic geographical vocabulary such as coast, cliff, beach, town, sea, weather. Year 1 will also be comparing the features of Hemel Hempstead to a coastal town. We’ll use maps and photographs to identify landmarks.
In History, we’re learning about how seasides have changed over time (with a specific focus on Victorian seasides.) We’re also learning about a significant person in History called ‘Grace Darling.’
In DT, we’re creating puppets for a seaside puppet show. In Art, Year 1 will look at the art work of Natalie Pascoe and they will create seaside dioramas.