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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School



2Q- is taught by Miss Cohen with Miss Higgins, Mrs Grant and Mrs Karimi.

Mrs Smith will teach the class every Thursday morning.


2R- is taught by Mrs Funnell and with Mrs Southcott, Mr Poole and Mrs McGee

  Mrs Rafiq-Craske will teach the class every Tuesday morning.


Every week, one P.E. session will be supported by Mr Higgins.



This term our P.E. days are on Tuesday and Wednesday.



In Year 2 we expect children to read every night and have their reading records signed by an adult at least 5x a week. They will bring home a banded reading book, linked to their reading level. This book can be swapped for a new book once they have read the entire book through twice. They can also share a library book with an adult. 

All children will be set either an English or maths task each week. In addition, they will be set a spelling task. The instructions for each week’s homework can be found in the children’s green book.

Homework will be given out each Friday and any written tasks will be due in the following Wednesday.



This term within our ‘Wings, Waves and Wheels’ theme we will be exploring everything to do with transport.

 We will be looking at questions such as:

Who is Neil Armstrong and what impact did he have?

How do cars work?

How has the railway changed Britain?

What are climate zones? 

We will also be reading lots of stories and will design and make our own moving vehicle in D&T.

At the bottom of the page you will also find some key information about this year.  If you have any questions, please speak to us at the classroom door or pop a note in your child's red book.

Miss Cohen and Mrs Funnell