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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School


Over the next year we will making the most of our time at school, and you can see some of our learning highlights on our blog, so please make sure to have a look! We also put our brilliant learning onto SeeSaw and Google Classroom: do use your child’s log in at home to see what they have been up to.

Our Classes:

6Y- is taught by Mrs Wood, Mr Higgins, Mrs Parke, Miss English and Mrs Salter

6Z- is taught by Mr Crowder, Mrs Durham, Mrs Smith, Mrs Salter, Mr Winfield and Miss Grant

PE Days:

6Y - Monday and Friday                                       6Z – Monday and Friday


Maths and English homework will be given out on a Friday and it will be due in the following Thursday. There will be three pieces of homework set: Spelling, Maths and English (this will be Comprehension or SPAG based). We set three pieces of homework to support the children in their learning, but also to support them with the increase in work load when they move to secondary school.


Spring Term Theme – Spaceship Earth


What planets make up our solar system? How were these planets formed? How do the Earth, sun and moon move around each other? How have ideas around our solar system changed?

This term, we are going to be soaring to infinity (and beyond!) as we explore our solar system. We will be looking at the different planets and investigating what makes them different to our own; we will look at the natural processes on our own extraordinary planet, including the water cycle and river formations. Year 6 will explore the key events in the Space Race and how this has impacted our current interactions with our Solar System.

Across the different subjects, we will investigate the following questions:

What would it be like to take part in an interplanetary mission?

How have theories about our solar system changed?

How do the movements of other celestial bodies impact life on our own planets?

Which individual had arguably the greatest impact on the space race?

Can we create a piece of space themed art using software?

How did Han Zimmer capture the emotions and atmosphere of space within his music?

What electrical mechanisms could be used to create a vehicle capable of moving across a planet’s surface?


For more details about the learning, please have a look at the overview at the bottom of the page.