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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Hello 1O children and parent! Let's start with a big thank you because you are all so amazing! This week you guys have put such a big smile on my face and I feel so proud to be your teacher!

Our class quiz went brilliantly, a special well done to the following children for getting 12/12! Laci, Roman, Edie, William, Jaymes and Archie!

As It's Friday, let's stat with our 2 Gold award winners this week:



This week took a creative turn with our music task. I never knew we had so many undercover stars in 1O. Below I have shared a few samples:

Edie took the Seaside them to next level! Look at her go!


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Next we have Klaudia taking us down the old town road... 


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Nishka got her sister involved too! 


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Thank you to everyone else for getting so involved too  - Mrs B and I really enjoyed watching them all! Unfortunately my laptop wont let me add any more videos however I may create another post with a few more later in the week. Next week's blog will be all about the writing you complete so remember to use your Capital letters, finger spaces and full stops! 

Stay Safe guys - 


Miss Foy and Mrs Benjamin x