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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Newsletter 12- 18th April- WELCOME to the SUMMER TERM!

Stay informed with all things #TeamTudor as we start the final term of the academic year...

Newsletter 12

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Summer is here… let’s hope the weather turns up soon!

The summer term is always a fantastic time in school and we KNOW that this Tudor summer term for 2024 will NOT disappoint. There is already lots going on and the teaching team have planned some amazing activities in class…as well as outside too! The new areas of learning are sure to inspire the children and the new themes are:

Early Years- Animals

Year 1 and 2- Seaside Rescue

Year 3 and 4- What a Wonderful World

Year 5 and 6- Step Back in Time

Our Tudor Thematic Curriculum remains a key strength of our school- do keep a close eye on the class pages/ blogs on the website so you can see how much fun the children have- as well as how much progress they are making!

The children in reception have already been sharing their latest INDEPENDENT writing with me and I loved seeing the teeth they were making out of cardboard. Special visitors have already been in for assembly and classrooms throughout the school look great- the staff team truly know the importance of inspiring the children in their care. It’s super to see that the morning learning clubs up and running again and we look forward to achieving more outstanding results- academically and socially! The only thing that hasn’t started yet is the sunshine!

Results of a recent SEND inspection- well done all…

I want Tudor to remain proactive in seeking (and responding to!) the views of other professionals about our practice. We received a focused county inspection in March about how we support children with SEND. The school was given the report this week and we are delighted with the ratings of ‘exemplary’ in the different areas of the feedback. Miss Reading deserves a HUGE well done for this superb provision at Tudor. As well as the high-quality approaches that are in place, the robust (and consistent) systems that ensure that ALL children are able to flourish in our care were highly praised- the words below highlight the level of language that was used in the wonderful report:

Feedback about SEND in YOUR school:

aligned provision’

‘fully engaged’


‘increased independence’



‘parent partnership’

Some staffing updates… ensuring the BEST children around have the HIGHEST quality teachers!

As I shared in the last newsletter, a vital part of my leadership is ensuring the teaching provision is of the highest standard and I remain delighted (and proud) at the number of teachers who want to join the team at Tudor. Miss Sentance will be a big loss for the school but she has developed brilliantly with us and will be a super assistant headteacher at her new school. Please do also join me in congratulating Miss Foy who is due to give birth in September to a baby boy… surely to be an(other) awesome Tudorite in the future! Do be assured that we have completed a fantastic round of recruitment and some TREMENDOUS new teachers have signed up to become part of #TeamTudor’s future. I will share more details when I present the full teaching team to the school community later in the term. We are very proud of our reputation across the county and it is highly evident that strong teachers want to join us: the level of interest in the recent teaching placements was outstanding. Long may that continue!

Talking of interest in Tudor, allocations have now been made for next year’s reception cohort. Whilst we knew there was tremendous interest in the school, it is evident that you now need to live VERY close to gain a place in reception. We truly are a school for our LOCAL community. If there are any new 2024/25 parents reading this newsletter, welcome to #TeamTudor- YOUR new school!

Inclusion at Tudor Primary- a message from Miss Reading- our Assistant Head for Inclusion:

The Family and Health Services Commissioning Team have recently shared information about Parenting Courses and Workshops that are being offered to parents and carers in Hertfordshire, throughout the Summer term. There are a variety of courses and workshops available, including; Handling anger in your family, Complete guide to parenting children and Understanding ADHD and Autism in the primary years. For more information about these courses and for details on how to book, please follow the link

If you are a parent/carer of a child with additional needs and would like to know about 'The Hertfordshire SEND Local Offer' website, you can attend a free webinar- this is to help families of children and young people with SEND to feel more confident about SEND services and what support exists in Hertfordshire. During the webinar a member from the Local Offer team will take you through what’s on the website and how you can use it to find the right services and support. The webinar will take place on Thursday 25th April, 8 - 9pm. If you would like the link to join the webinar contact me via email at:  

After-school summer clubs- including some Freewheel Friday opportunities!

Parents will now have been informed about allocations for after school clubs this term. We look forward to offering some ‘Friday Freewheel Fun’ soon. Such sessions will be ‘weather forecast dependent’. We will obviously look to give you as much notice as possible as we know the children enjoy learning (and developing!) their cycling (and scootering) skills at school in the sunshine.

Keeping those classrooms CLEAN and FRESH- Tudor is one of the first schools to install new high (hospital) grade air purifiers in each classroom. Mr Denny always makes the school look nice but he’s now been able to improve the AIR that’s in each room!

We’ve even significantly reduced the amount of waste with the recent installation of hand dryers. Further school improvements have been identified in next year’s budget and we remain determined for the site to be a SUPER standard in every way!


The Hangout is our high quality after school provision. Due to the awesome activities that the children love, it gets great feedback and we continue to be impressed with what the children experience. More information at:

We will also be offering 3 weeks of ‘The Hangout’ in the summer!

Dates for your diary- Class assemblies are on these dates:

4U- Thursday 2nd May

4V- Thursday 9th May

3S- Thursday 16th May

3T- Thursday 23rd May

1P- Thursday 20th June

1O- Thursday 27th June

Year 6 Leavers’ assembly-Thursday 18th June(evening).

Sports Day-Monday 15th July

Final parent consultations- Tuesday 9th/ Thursday 11th July.

Before the end of the spring term, the enjoyment of the children was further enhanced with a number of extra activities in and around school. We are all proud of the amazing Tudor Dance Troupe who were supported by Miss Foy and our awesome dance teacher Grace Barry (Mrs Barry’s daughter!). They performed wonderfully at the Dacorum Dance Show where they twirled their umbrellas to perfection.

Our football team also reached the finals of the inter-school competition and such opportunities will continue as the new term progresses. Use our website regularly to remain fully informed about this super school of OURS

Mr Weightman
